How many are keeping "The Gift"?

I’m toting it for as long as the game will let me. I wonder if anything neat will happen.

If you don’t know what I mean, it’s obvious you don’t have it, and will be shunned. :japanese_goblin:


I’ll be honest, I haven’t even done the quest.

I haven’t even ran heroic crucible yet. <_<

I’ve kept it on one of my Horde toons. Keep hearing the whispers… :slight_smile:

I have the gift cleansed recently on this character but I kept it on my Horde characters.
I haven’t even ran Crucible at all to be honest kind of scared to. My reason is I have watched people doing normal LFR and they aren’t doing so well or at least the ones I have seen. I know its silly to even think that but I have heard from my other characters guilds say its has some tough mechanics. People tend to fail at them even in LFR.

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Well, if there’s any motivation, for those who have the Gift, there is an interactable in Crucible, even in LFR, that only those with it can interact with.

It’s a fun time for a whole minute. Lightens the mood of doing Crucible in LFR by a good deal.

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Oh I didn’t know about that. Hmmm I wonder if I can muster up the gumption to do Crucible?. So close to 8.2 I wonder if I do like many other expansions and see if its still there to do in the future? Oh well.

Same here. I began it on two guys and lost interest for some reason. Something shiny probably caught my eye and I started farming it.

its actually not that hard, my guild is average at best and the first boss took us 4 pulls and we woulda one shot the last one if our off tank hadn’t pressed the kill the entire raid button. LFR is just terrible at it cus lfr

all hail our tentacle overlord


I’m employing the barbers to offer free hair cuts.

For no particular reason

Been keeping it on this char. The whispers have been kinda louder this week.

Not doing something in a video game because of fear lmao

Absolutely. N’zoth is the great uniter.


Of course I’m keeping the Gift! N’Zoth is wise and powerful and besides, he gave me that gift! It’s rude to give it back.


Nope, went and got the toy instead. Though if I was doing it on an alt…I probably would have kept it, but I’m not that motivated.

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Still have mine. I don’t like leaving a quest uncompleted, but in the service of the master I won’t do it! I’m curious if it’ll pan out to something.

You get used to the eye after awhile and at least I have someone to talk to.


I have my horde main without the gift and my alliance main kept it. I only did it on two characters since they are my pathfinder toons, just curious what happens for both sides of it if anything.

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Its not the type of fear you think its just the fear of dealing with people can be toxic or not knowing the mechanics etc etc.


Ha I just seen you lose a duel at the Seal.

Have it on my void elf priest. Thinking about getting rid of it. She hasn’t even received a single whisper from it yet.