Undermine(d) Development Notes

Added a few more class changes:


    • Holy
      • Prayer of Healing now prioritizes nearby injured targets instead of the closest targets.
      • Prayer of Healing now has an impact visual on allies it heals.
    • Enhancement
      • Elemental Blast damage increased by 20%.
      • Totemic
        • While active, Surging Totem is replaced with a relocation spell that summons your Surging Totem nearby. This spell has a 6-second cooldown and does not trigger the global cooldown.

Updated the following text:


  • Completing the Feat of Strength for achieving Keystone Master, or 1600+ in rated PvP, or killing the final raid boss on Heroic or Mythic difficulty now grants one additional Catalyst charge as a reward.
    • Developers’ notes: This previously awarded a token for one set armor piece. We feel that the time has come to move on from earning and redeeming class set armor tokens at their vendors for a desired armor variant. Players will now want to find an eligible Veteran-track or higher armor piece to convert at the Catalyst, and these can be acquired from many sources around Undermine.