203 ueq 199 eq Ret paladin lf weekend guild

8/10 normal experience this expac looking for a guild to clear heroics with. Open to leveling and gearing a healer out of rest sham/druid and mistweaver also willing to level and play a ww monk or ele sham. Prefer to stick to my ret however. Prefer a guild that actively pushes keys as well. I have a few 10’s and 11’s cleared untimed ones are usually only by a few minutes with a couple exceptions. 25 year old Canadian male prefer a guild with above 18 but not too hung up on it. bnet is BhadBhacon#1653

Edit i am currently on Central standard time but can make time differences work.

Hey Osteoporosis - I’m co-raid lead of a newly formed Alliance prog team on Proudmoore. We raid Tues & Wed (6 pm - 9 pm PST / 9 pm - 12 am EST), and are currently 1/10H and 10/10N. Now that we have a solid dps roster we should progress through Heroics for our AOTC fairly quickly, then to CE before new content’s released. We are specifically looking for a Holy Paladin with Ret OS. We’re chill, we know how to play our toons, we don’t stand in puddles of death, and we kill bosses - that’s what we do.

You can find out more about us here: [A] Companions (Proudmoore) LFM Mythic Raiders