Hello one and all I am a very weathered and experienced monk healer I am currently 10/10N and 6/10H!
- this is important I am not a elitist but if your guild doesnt match my progress or higher dont waste either of our time please I struggle to progress in pugs and dont wanna progress in a guild team that is still 3/10H for example sorry *
I am in need of a new home and raiding team for Shadowlands! I am a very dependable and skilled player as I am a wow vet. I am looking for a FRI/SAT/SUN night team the time doesn’t really matter unless its sunday night, however I am central time. I am wanting to get rooted in a solid team and home, I have been playing wow from the very start, I do it all from mythic dungeons to mythic raiding and everything in between I have had my AOTC for killing Nazoth far ahead most dating back in Feb.
It should be noted I am only a healer I am not fond of monk dps, the raid days dont mater so much as the times would be the issue I will attach my Armory and Bnet so we can chat more directly I look forward to talking to you all!!!
Bnet - Scarecrow#1600 !!!
Armory - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/calýpso
Hey Calypso!
Newly formed guild on Horde, Kel’Thuzad. We are a chill group of guys who left our guild to push the highest content we can push. Led by a group of forming mythic raiders, we are opening recruitment to progress into mythic CN. Currently 8/10H, looking specifically for strong healers and good RDPS, but open to all exceptional players. Raids are Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30-12:30est. Would love to talk to you, feel free to message me our one of our other officers!
Discord - dankforge#5306 or Reehc#1538
Bnet - Mills2#11341 or kyle#1347
Hi Calypso,
We have an immediate opening if you’re interested. I added you. Hope to talk soon.
Hello Calypso!
[Cant find a guild] 10/10 N 6/10 H We are a newly formed guild with the goal of progressing through mythic content at a reasonable pace. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ dungeons as well as some good old PVP. We strive to have a friendly and non-toxic community to include anyone that wants to be included. If you aren’t interested in raiding, mythic+ or PVP, but instead want a place to hang out to enjoy the content feel free to stick around and become a member of our community!
Contact Info:
BNET: Koliupy#1761
Discord: Koliupy#4041