2025 New Player | PVP vs. PVE Realm

I’ve been away from for about a year, and from what I’ve seen, a lot has changed, and the game nearing the end of its lifecycle…so I’m considering jumping back in but wanted to get some opinions before committing.

  1. PvP or PvE Realm? – As a fresh character, I don’t want to spend my leveling experience getting camped by max-level rogues every step of the way. Is a PvP realm going to be unplayable for leveling, or is PvE the better choice to avoid griefing?

  2. Class Choice? – I’ve enjoyed most roles and classes, so I’m open to suggestions. What’s currently strong for both raiding and PvP?

  3. Night Elf Smite Priest in SoD? – I used to play a Night Elf Smite Priest for fun, but it was always kind of a meme spec. Did SoD give it any buffs to make it viable in raids?

Would love to hear some insight from current raiders. Is it worth returning at this stage, or should I go to classic anniversary?

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  1. PvP unless u need a carebear server because game to hard. 2. Sod balance is wack so class balance changes every phase drastically. Play whatever class you think is the most fun. 3. No smite priest is still a meme even more so since classic raids were so easy 20 smite priest could clear now u definitely can’t do that.

Its worth returning. Can gear quickly. Pug and guild raids are happening constantly.

PvE so you can avoid the people like Eastcoast who just want to gank you and insist that PvE servers are “carebear mode”.

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You want to stay as far away as possible from the “pvp” server Crusader strike unless you play horde. It’s 80% horde dominated and 24/7 ganking in every zone. Wild growth has all the content in the game besides griefing! And it has twice the alliance pop. Come on over the waters fine! Hope you have a great day Lithodin :people_hugging:

No one does this tbh

pvp is broken af, play what you enjoy, all classes are pve viable


You do realize that Alliance outnumber Horde since P6 right? This was only true in P4 and P5

Ironforge Pro has it listed at 50-50% server balance, which is amazing, but I just don’t want to be camped by 60s all the way up.

Anyway, I likely will go with a PVE realm in SOD or PVE realm in Classic.

But what is it like to raid in SOD? I enjoyed the couple hours of chill raiding in classic 2019+ but I don’t have that kind of time any more. Are SOD raids faster or slower?