2024 Best Good Looking Race!

In terms of presence.

How does the gear looks on them?

Voice acting.

Movements and Animation.

What’s your nominee?

Void elves or Draenie if this must include voice acting. Although who is running around speaking emotes?

Night elves and gnomes for animations.

Gear obviously is only designed for medium sized straight back humanoids.

If we’re talking just per category, void elves for fashion, goblins for voice acting, gnomes for animation.


Mmm nice choices.

Doesn’t Night Elf win every year?

Come on, maybe the body type 2 night elf would win, but the body type 1 are ugliest.

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/points at the person in the mirror

Get a Draenei Warlock. (BT2)

Use Moroes’ Famous Polish.

Cast Burning Rush.

Start running.

Now look me in the eye and tell me that’s not the best looking Race in WoW.

You can’t.


I am :stuck_out_tongue:

The characters voice is super important to me.
If it sounds bad, i wont play it.
I love wow humans but wont play one seriously as their voices are inaudible.

It’s Blood Elves for the 17th consecutive year.


Draenei. Why cause the waggle.


Blood Elf, no contest. I like to have my alts wearing different colors but most have tights and a matching top.


Female Trolls

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males- none

females- draenei. all varieties minus goldshire subtype. because reasons

Blood Elf and Void Elf Males.


In terms of character model for body type 1: dwarf, gnome, kul tiran, tauren, goblin, worgen, vulpera, orc. For body type 2: pretty much everything else. (I may have missed a race).

Voice acting: Undead body type 1 (can’t beat that evil laugh) and draenei in general. AND maybe body type 1 gnome.

Animation / movement really depends on the class. I do like how the undead body type 2 runs though.

Female dark iron dwarf.

Cutest overall is vulpera.

Anything else I don’t really care.

blood elfs and night elfs.

You have the right idea. :+1:

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flips hair
There is no competition