Character Name : Gamall the Hag
Race & Class : Undead Witch
Short description of your character’s personality and backstory :
Gamall or the “Grey Lady” is an entity of evil, and embodies the horror of Duskwood and Deadwind Pass alike. Gamall is not unlike a children’s fantasy, a bogeyman brought to reality from the evil of the very land she inhabits. She has been known to manifest as a shadow in the dark corners of a home, or out in the woods appearing as missing folk to lure victims into her grasp. Small wicker fetishes have been found hanging in trees throughout Duskwood, thought to be placed by her to draw out villagers at night in confusion. Descriptions of her have varied, but she most often appears as a black shadow with glowing blue eyes. Most tales seem to indicate her lair is sequestered deep within the Karazhan Crypt, which was believed to be sealed off some time ago. The bodies of those gone missing are never found, however singular body parts and skin are often discovered sometime afterwards.
Does your characters have IC ties to any other ED character (describe)
The Hag has befriended none, and seems to kill indiscriminately, but prefers to prey on citizens of Duskwood and those who pass through. The Forsaken have been successful in coaxing the entity into neutrality with the Horde, but any attempts at proposed allegiance have failed catastrophically.