Hello one and all I am a very weathered and experienced monk healer I am currently 10/10N and 6/10H and I am in need of a new home and raiding team for Shadowlands!!! I am a very dependable and skilled player as I am a wow vet. I am looking for a FRI/SAT/SUN night team the time doesn’t really matter unless its sunday night, however I am central time. I am wanting to get rooted in a solid team and home, I have been playing wow from the very start, I do it all from mythic dungeons to mythic raiding and everything in between I have had my AOTC for killing Nazoth far ahead most dating back in Feb. It should be noted I am only a healer I am not fond of monk dps, the raid days dont mater so much as the times would be the issue I will attach my Armory and Bnet so we can chat more directly I look forward to talking to you all!! 
Bnet - Scarecrow#1600 !!!
Armory - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/calýpso
Hi there! I’ll post a little snippet of our guild, and if we’re not the choice for you, I hope you find a guild that suits you well 
<Øminous Latin Name> is a progression raid focused guild, that transferred from Horde to Ally on Sargeras, along with M+ and some PvP! Fun environment, and of course drama free. We’re a Discord active community and actively looking to build our core raiding team, as we are preparing for Shadowlands.
Schedule [all times are EST]
Raid: Wednesday/Friday 8pm-11pm
Mythic Plus: Everyday
Interested in joining us? Contact Lebron on Bnet: [RoscoeStache#1797] or Jacob [nunndathunda#1677] to learn more.
Thank you!
Hi Calyps!
Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall
Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.
Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Current Progression: 10/10N 8/10H
Our Goals and Requirements
Our Goal is to push for CE on a relaxed raiding scheduling.
Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Holy Paladin , 1 Tank , ranged dps (pref lock)
Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com