202 BM Hunter LF Guild

Looking for Raiding guild that raids during 6-7pm Pacfic time Tues-Wed and possibly Thursdays.

Mal’Ganis US
Currently 6/10 Normal with Sire Denathrius Kill

Looking to push keys for more gearing towards heroic Castle of Nathria

Have BiS Legendary for both BM and MM but only have BM legendary crafted 225


Hey man, check out our guild post: Blind Pick Heroes!

Howdy! I'm Moon, the recruitment officer for Swift[H][Mal'ganis].
We are currently 5/10H. A few members have 10/10H experience. We want to finish the rest of heroic and push our way towards CE and are in need of like-minded individuals who are laidback and patient with progression. We want to enjoy our time while raiding. (:

Raid Times are Tues/Wed-8-11pm Server(CST)

Looking for a multitude of classes/specs and would be happy to have you on the team. If you have any questions feel free to message me in-game (SparkledMoon#1939) or over on our forum recruitment post here.


[H] Mal’ganis is currently recruiting a Resto Shaman and exceptional DPS to fill out our roster. Please understand that while we are slightly behind on progression, it is exactly that for us, progression. There will be wipes, discussions, walls and triumphs. We are doing this as a guild. We are a pretty laid back guild that likes to leave drama and attitudes for real life.

We are currently focused on building our roster for Mythic. Spots are moderately competitive as we prefer to stick to proper scaling. Daily M+ with focus on Monday and Saturday. Sunday Normal/Alt raid.

Currently in need of (Updated regularly):

-Resto Shaman
-Any exceptional DPS

Current Progression:
10/10N 7/10H

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday/Thursday 8-11PM (CST/Server Time)

If interested please contact me on Axiarus or at Axiarus#1396 (BNet/Discord) or
Slimboozie#1242 (bnet) SLIMboozie#3112(discord