20 Tips for HC Levelling

ugh so lame :expressionless:

Only when HC was SSF. Now I’m going engineering for sure.

I’ve never experienced this :expressionless:

We need a HC goblin teleporter russian roulette league.

There are achievements on official hardcore???

I was talking about the mod HC. I am not sure if I will run it though.


I’ll take stam and/or a stat that helps me kill faster than out of combat regen any day.

Oh, I don’t deny offensive stats are good, or that Stan is good, just pointing out Spirit is really strong

So are bandages or the tons of food I’m going to vendor.

You underestimate how efficient it is.

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Just let him die in that barn.

Spirit doesn’t stop you from dying.

It stops you from eating.

Slow and steady wins the game.

Unless you’re killin’ stuff.

You don’t listen.
So you aren’t killin’ when you’re dyin’.

When someone tells me a speed strat for an endurance race, no. No, I don’t.

I’m so gonna laugh when you charge into that barn.

Spirit don’t fix stupid.

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Godspeed, young warrior.


In my opinion, the first 25 or so levels are the most difficult. If you can play it safe to that point, you start getting way more abilities and can fair much better with survival. Too many people rush in the first 25 levels.

I feel like out of all the zones, Westfall saw the most deaths. The Defias Trappers and Pillagers are just incredibly lethal. I saw a lot of deaths to Princess (the pig with entourage) as well as caves. All of these things are fine so long as you out-level them sufficiently. Westfall’s level range is quite wide, so instead of trying to do it all in one go, it’s better to come back repeatedly.

One thing that I recommend avoiding entirely, that you can’t out-level, are escort quests. You can do them if they’re like…gray… but at that point, you’re just doing it for the gold. Some of them, even if they are green, can be extremely, extremely difficult.

Also, it is possible to safely get from Eastern Kingdoms to Menethil Harbor (to take the boat to Kalimdor) three different ways.

  1. running there on foot. I have successfully done this as a level 1 (you become level 2 just from exploring XP), but it is entirely dependent upon waiting around for a higher level player to come along and kill 3 key mobs: the orc that patrols in the mountains, one spider near the road once you go around the curve on the path in wetlands, and a croc that sits right on the bridge before the town. This is the most risky way, but it is possible.
  2. Swimming from Westfall to Menethil. It takes roughly 28 minutes. Go to the river that separates Westfall and Elwyn, go north all the way, you can get up the mountain at a specific spot, then avoid the murlocs below. No threats in the water all the way there. This is the longest, but safest way.
  3. You can climb the mountain in Dun Morogh, then jump down it, avoiding the murlocs on the shores of Wetlands, and swim a short distance to Minethil. This is the fastest way by far, but requires that you land some specific jumps. It is easy to mess it up and go splat. There are two logs near the road in the north-west part of Dun Morogh, just east of the gnome enemy area; you want the western-most log. You run toward the tree to the north that sits at the base of the mountains and can run right up.
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Muling isn’t HC. The only way to play hardcore is with the add-on.

I die two out of three times on this route.

It’s weird that when I play Horde I tend to stay in Kalimdor and when Alliance in the Eastern Kingdoms. So no need to get to Menethil until I’m dwarf enough to handle it.