20-Person Raiding in Molten Core


Dude… come on.

Heat Level 1 is brain-dead boring. Some of the most boring, resident-sleeper content I’ve seen. How can you possibly want easier? The bar is lying on the ground at that point. Boss fights are literally as simple as “cast decurse to win”.

That content is literally as rewarding as Heat 2 and Heat 3 in terms of ilvl of the gear. You literally can’t ask for easier without saying you want Blizzard to send you BIS in the mail.


This, Maybe have the SOM stuff and other new mechanics for a Heat 3 only. (Also remove the increase durability loss on Rag its horrible for melee classes)

But just give us the Classic 2019 raids but bosses having more HP and Damage. It’s not fun having forced submersion on Rag on Heat 1 and just waists players time.

Tune the raids for 20 players but allow up to 40 in (and maybe if you plan on a challenge mode like Heat 3 figure something out to restrict it to 20 people or tune it for 40 players).

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Unfortunately the average classic player (not me) can’t do mechanics. People still die in Classic Era in MC.

50% of MC pugs I’m in fall apart after Garr or Geddon because the average classic player freaks out when there is more than 1 living bomb or don’t move away from the mirror images spamming Arcane Explosion.

SoD is supposed to be Season of Dads, and MC Heat 1 and Ony are tuned way to hard for most of those dads.

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If you guys are pleased with it, why not let people bring 40 to MC? The fixxing of this bug only caused problems. Your team’s actions and words do not match.


Our guild has prepared for 40 man raids since day 1 of sod. I don’t mind keeping things I prep mode for later content, but just be clear with us. Please.

40 man raids yes or no. It’s that simple

(we want 40, so we can finally all play together as a classic wow guild)

Thank you.


YES please flex raiding and no more resist tiers!

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They said no in phase 2

Nobody wants 40 mans, its already bad enough getting 20 with the current state of the game, stop pushing for worse designing.

There obvious reason why 40 mans was removed as early as tbc.


I want 40 mans


Our guild was very happy when we were able to get into MC with 20+ players. We play casual and our focus is on being social with one another.

Unfortunately, several players now have to go to the reserve bench every week, which has already led to quite a bit of tension.

Our wish would be to simply be able to run MC again with 23 or 27 players, the loot amount does not have to be adjusted.
You could also simply say that the individual heat levels are designed for 20 people, but you can also simply add more players, but then no rankings will be evaluated in Warcraft logs.
The fact that there is the same loot with 20 players as with 27 is also completely fine. Otherwise the phase would be over too quickly or too many players would lose interest.

Please reconsider your decision to limit MC to 20 players. Our guild would be very grateful.


Go play Era if you want 40’s. 75% of guilds will disband or have to resort to hard pugging otherwise. It doesn’t create more guild runs.


Heat 1 is literally easier than Vanilla MC. It is LFR difficulty. If you want to solo raids, go play MoP Remix.

real talk, the main reason i want flex raid is just purely to have my 1-2 benches raid with us normally cause man, raid IDs suck. The damage of uncapped raid would’ve been done on world first if it really mattered, no one really cares to play SoD for a challenge, just going in and having fun with our friends should be the first priority.


Onyxia isn’t even remotely difficult. First people complain that pugs are too curated. And now people complain they aren’t curated enough apparently. It’s time to stop blaming the devs and start looking at yourselves.

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+1, AQ40 and Naxx SoM mechanics were just tedious. The BWL and MC ones were too but the content wasn’t as finely tuned as the later raids.

what a joke


Have any of you actually ran in a pug this phase?

Guilds with sweats and above average players that care about parsing are face rolling the content. The casual dad guilds and pugs are having trouble clearing them.

The average player is so much worse than people realize. Clicking 90%+ of their skills, keyboard turning, running without dbm or weak auras.

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I have. I was falling asleep.

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Your pug one shot every boss? What heat level?

If you think it’s too easy and you were falling asleep, why would you keep playing the game and visiting the forums?

If you want challenging, difficult content, why are you even playing wow classic? Cata and retail have challenging content for you.

You are repeating a hot take that retail shills have.

People don’t want hard raids. They want easy raids. They want raids they can chill in with friends and get easy loot after work.

They don’t want a test for some internet ego points. They want a chill atmoshphere to relax after working their bad job or to escape from their stressful life.

No one is playing Classic WOW for internet ego points because it’s not an eSport and never will be.

The only :clown_face: trying to turn Classic into an eSport are those who are terrible at actual eSport games and literally no one cares about what they accomplish in WOW.

They won’t be famous or make money from playing WOW. Even top end R1 WOW players don’t make any money from WOW PVP or PVE.

Classic WOW is not an eSport. It’s a casual MMO for normal people to escape their lives and relax with friends or even people they don’t know who may become their friends.

If you can’t understand this simple statement you should stop offering advice on this game and go play retail or some other game.

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