20-Person Raiding in Molten Core


Thank you for the feedback and interest in variable size raiding in Season of Discovery. The bug that allowed more than 20 players access to individual instances of Molten Core at launch resulted in unintended design and technical consequences and needed to be fixed.

We’re pleased with how this system is playing out in the Onyxia, Kazzak, and Azuregos encounters and are excited to find ways to continue incorporating this system into more raids in future phases of Season of Discovery.

Thank you again for your feedback on this.


Can we please get some clarity on whether there will be raids tuned for 40 people going forward? The last blue post was very cryptic on what the situation is


Going forward, how about we not run the SoM mechanics back. I understand people want a challenge but joining Ony pugs twice a week and wiping for hours hasn’t been fun for anyone.

This is not the SoD experience most of us signed up for and dedicated many hours building our characters for.

Probably should know your demographic a little better and bring back the easy raids, at least baseline. Otherwise, good luck filling BWL pugs in the middle of the week.

edit: b4 you say “skill issue” , yes. We know and it’s not going to change. 35 year old shift Dads login to SoD because they don’t want to get good.


isn’t it embarrassing that huge bugs like this keep going under the radar :expressionless:


dont abandon 40 man raiding


been pugging since they started haven’t had a problem… And it’s even easier now that people are geared. Just kick people who can’t do simple mechanics like not stand in fire


Worst decision ever. The fact you took over a week to release a statement makes it even more apparent you messed up.

Revert it. Bench in SoD is lame. Especially with the dwindling community.


The dads that wanted 10 and 20 man raids, and were very vocal about it, moved back on to retail. So now the players that actually want to continue playing are the ones that want classic to be classic, and have 40 mans as the default.


Here’s the problem with that:

Most servers don’t have expendable numbers of tanks, healers and specific DPS specs to kick over every mistake. You start kicking people, you’re adding another 10 minutes waiting to fill. It adds up when you’re wiping 5-6 times with extremely long run backs for Alliance and losing at least one person per wipe.

Sure, you can join a guild run that has every single piece of loot hard-reserved if you want a smooth run.

The main issue I’m seeing is that tanks just can’t hold threat on pull. Good luck coordinating a full raid of SoD pumpers to watch their threat meter and wait for the tank. Everyone doing 1-1.5K dps on pull isn’t normal for Onyxia.

as I said I have been doing it every lockout with no problems sorry people on your server are dumb i guess


PLEASE ALLOW MORE THAN 20 IN MOLTEN CORE! We love this feature!!!


Just make them flex, you’ve already ruined parsing and speedrun category’s with the Heat levels. Just let us atleast enjoy the community aspect of the game and play with our friends. I swear you’ve gotta be doing this stuff on purpose, there’s never been a more universally accepted change than flex MC.


SoD needs flex raiding. It’s the best feature in retail.


Scalable content from 10 to 20 players for smaller raids such as ZG/AQ20 and 20 to 40 for the bigger ones would be amazing. If boss HP could change by x% for every new player above the minimum, it would be a good enough solution IMO. Doesn’t even need more loot or more damage. Just keep it simple and let people enjoy bringing how many they want.

People did like the flexibility, so it’s a good note to put down in the enhancement binder.

I think the core problem it solved was giving some flexibility when you have 23 people sign up for a 20 man raid. You don’t have to bench 3 people.

Not certain if that goes all the way to mean 10-20-40 scalability but having extra slots to save people from being benched is an interesting concept.


blizzard’s words not mine, alongside their HUGE Season of Discovery slogan force-pushing guilded raid-activity and anti-pug/anti-gdkp. simply join a guild and you won’t have this issue anymore. if they didn’t ban gdkp i guarantee you 99% of gdkp pugs would be clearing heat 3 for big pots.

also, its WAY to late to change SoD raid mechanics. I think SoM raid mechanics are perfect for SoD. I said this in phase 1 and now 3 phases later blizz confirmed it. SoD is testing grounds for classic + and a huge overhaul and revamp of raids is nothing but positive for classic +. They shall stay in SoD and every future season.

just add it to molten core lol


please tell us now if u plan on doing 40 mans. I want 20 mans but a heads up would be nice if u still think we should move to 40m (we shouldnt)


Wiping for hours?



40-man raiding is a great way to not bring back most the players that they lost in P3.