20% nerf will fix it

I mean it’s better than no changes and also better to do incremental changes rather than just gutting the op specs. They can always change more. This Is still more changes than we saw in the entirety of BFA lol.

I mean I’m all for frequent and small changes but they forgot the frequent part. If they did this once every 2-3 weeks it would be great. But after 2 months it just feels kinda lame. Especially since war and ww did not get touched


Oh I totally agree other classes need touched too. I’ll take what I can get tho. Hopefully this is a sign of what’s to come.

Your screen shot doesn’t mean anything. Yes, WoG healed a lot. So what?

(Removing the heal from Prot’s will Kill the spec in the Arena. They have nothing else to add to the team. Some might be fine with that, but it’s a dumb design to prevent a spec to be able to compete)

Paladin Heals are effectively the same thing as Damage mitigation or Absorb shields… (Instead of not seeing a powerbar move at all, you instead see it go down, and then back up from the heal.)

People complain only when they see a power bar go down and up, but don’t complain about one that moves slowly down (if it ever goes down) at all.

I bet the community would be really upset if they saw how much damage warriors prevented with disarm, spell reflects, intervene, defensive stance, ignore pain, etc. (This just isn’t a tracked stat)

Ret. Paladin’s wouldn’t need a powerful Heal if they had damage mitigation, or a reliable peal for their teammates.

Instead of giving Paladin’s intervene, amazing roots/snares, they give them a heal to make up for the fact that you can’t peal for your teammate, so you must heal them instead.

Ret’s and Prot’s healing a lot doens’t mean anything when they’re still under-represented in the Arena. They’re outnumbered by nearly 400% to warriors in 3v3. If they’re so OP with their WoG, why is that? (more people play Paladins, so it’s even worse)

Blizzard themselves doesn’t even understand what’s going on. Healing hands is the issue (if you even think WoG is a problem). Healing Hands is REQUIRED for Arena. You never choose the other two talents. I used to love Selfless healer, but now with the 20% nerf, you will NEVER choose that. They should have nerfed the Talent by 20%, not the baseline heal.

Flame me all you want because I’m a Paladin… what I said is true.

EDIT: and the hate about Ret Paladin’s burst is because of Kyrian. Kyrian’s divine toll is brokenly OP.

I’m Night Fae, and I completely regret it. I enjoy the blink, but get almost zero dps from the Paladin Blessings. I lost out on so much burst and holy power. Nerf Kyrian’s Divine toll conduit…


i say let blizzard make small changes over time, and not get mad it “wasnt enough” we dont want massive sweeping changes all the time it just makes the game boring again. fast pace is good, nerfs are good, SOME MW BUFFS WOULD BE GREAT KK TY BLIZZ

so they are outhealing healers with an instant cast. literally watched a ret ww oom Flop on his rdruid (an insane multi r1). Thats just not ok

no because damage mitigation cooldowns have a … cooldown

yes…we are already complaining about that. warrior cds def need a look at, especially intervene. That being said though, its a lot harder managing a bunch of 30 second cds rather than just one ability that costs 3 holy power that acts like a lay on hands.

i guess bop, sanctuary, sac, freedom, and your non instant off heals dont count as utility. are they are good as war? no. does that mean ret needs insane stuff to be on war levels? no. warrior just needs toning down. this is the equivalent of if every caster was asking to be boomy/fire mage levels. just tone the boomy and fire mage down a bit

i mean there are 26 pals on the front page

no above 2k there are 473 warriors and 318 rets. ironically most of them play with each other as ret war hpal

yes it is

yes it is


Mage is the most overpowered


It would seem a buff to the underperforming resto druid heals is the answer here… not nerfing Ret survivability and utility.

Not true, Defensive stance has no cooldown. Ignore Pain lasts as long as its cooldown. I can go on, but you get the point.

Not as much as WoG heals, because it’s not as noticeable to the standard player…

In 3v3 there are 278 Ret Paladins above 2200, while there are 405 Warriors.

Considering there are far more Paladins that play this game, that’s a pretty big spread there.

And yeah, Nerf Divine Toll conduit, Nerf Healing Hands. Leave Baseline WoG alone. Give Paladin’s a choice between Healing Hands and Selfless Healer.

Nerf wog 1500%. Remove divine toll. Nerf verdict 200%. Judgment 2s CD. Remove divine steed. Reimplement medical wheelchairs.

Pally class fixed and balanced yw ama


no a ret should not be able to use an instant heal against any actual healer to the point they are oom

ironic because again those are both cds that are wildely complained about. again comparing one broken cd to another broken cd doesnt improve your point

yet most high rated players have been spamming the devs about intervene for literal months, and ive seen many posts about it on the forums

not really because you are leaving out the 542 holy paladins above 2200


idc as long as it isnt instant healing more than 15% of your hp with no cd


Healing Hands received a 30% nerf in PVP shortly after launch. This is the second nerf to WoG, and the total effect is relatively close to if they had nerfed the base spell 40%.

Divine Toll and Ringing Clarity were also nerfed after the first week (25% reduced damage and 1 fewer proc, respectively). That’s a ~40% nerf to potential damage. I agree that its multiple layers of RNG are badly designed, and the only real solution is to redesign the conduit - but it’s plain wrong to pretend that Blizzard hasn’t touched paladins before now.

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Because ret synergizes with fewer classes than warr.

Of course I did. This forum is about Ret WoG, nothing to do with the healing spec of Holy.

Rets are the squishiest class in the game hands down. They have zero damage mitigation. This is why they’re trained 90% of the time, and for good reason.

Remove rets heals, but then you’ll need to redesign the build with damage mitigation abilities and more group utility.


This is the hard part of spender based heals for dps classes. If a paladin is trading a 7k TV for that amount in WoG healing, then it’s hard to justify making it less. Now the crux of WoG wasn’t it’s base healing, it was being able to do 60-70% more when low HP.

I also think they should nerf WoG for allies (by 20-30%) but keep it strong on ret as self heals. I don’t agree that ret is an off healer, but I think hybrids defensive kit should be healing on them selves and weak off healing.

Until more CC comes into the game for cross CC goes it’s hard to justify hybrids being able to be strong off healers.

Even on my WW I can drop 15-20k healing in 4 quick casts on my teammate.

Havoc DH was overpowered in 2 expansions, Did you guys cry the whole 2 expansions? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:. Maybe some people can be crying for 4 years :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Worry not, my friend. At rank 15 the Conduit is actually a 96% chance to proc the triple Judgement, so the casino-slot-machine is pretty much removed. It’s just a guaranteed one shot then.

Rets are not the squishiest spec, lmao. And no one’s asking to remove your heals, just to balance it. Don’t exaggerate complaints to try and make a point in your favor.

WoGs that fill an HP bar is bad for the game and unneeded for Rets.

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Rogues die faster.

You said paladins, not rets. I’m pointing out the remaining paladins because “there are so many more paladins than warriors” are all hpals