20 minute queues for 6 minute games

You have to deal with the consequences of your choices.

good, hope horde queues double
no amount of suffering is enough for blizzard’s pet faction


The allies is just as much a pug as the horde, in this case, some alliance have just adapted, and comunicate better and thus they win… throwing a sodium tantrum over that, isnt going to solve your problem…

Again, alliance players dosent have anything that the horde doesnt have, except inferior racials, the very racials that create the issue and pop imbalance… isnt it ironic ?

WSG? Cause horde have made sure AV is longer than 6 minutes these days, lol.

Wait isn’t that what you told us to do during phase 2? WHY DONT YOU GUYS GROUP Up??? Plenty of horde are Premading as well just takes longer bud. And remember you rolled horde with OP racials just to beat the PVE faction.


i mean this with no sarcasm in my body. go back to retail man. classic isnt fun anymore and you know it. 2million honor week to get from rank 5 to 1/4 thru rank 6? lmao waste of time

I mean you idiots were warned that farming honor is a fools errand, especially this early into BGs, lol.

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Go back to BRD/Searing gorge and zerg every ally that goes there, after all you all did it for three weeks back to back just to get that juicy 20 honor and then waited and camped for 5 more minutes to get another 10.

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It’s a game of constant cat and mouse. Day 1 most games were Alliance zerging and Horde were honor farming, but as alliance got rep and wanted more honor the games sort of leveled out. Many of my games became turtlefests because we wiped their O on top of capping SHGY and it was just a slow push through their D to eventually win.

Now Alliance seem to be back into full blown zerg mode with zero regard for any defense. I did about 6 games or so last night and I got 28 HKs over the course because there’s almost nothing happening between the groups. They don’t even wait for relief hut or care to cap towers and just overwhelm Drek and any defense Horde tries to throw up because 5-10 people don’t their entire raid team. Meanwhile Horde is stuck in honor mode and after Balinda are dinking around with bunkers and maybe making it up to the bridge and getting the aid station by the time Drek is taken down.

If the Horde want to win they have to start either massively turtling or respond in a similar fashion of a pure zerg.

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There’s no queue to run BRD, and it takes longer. Maybe you want to do that instead?

being able to talk to each other, isnt a premade


No more fast Horde queues?

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So what you do is cap SH GY and wipe them on drek.

TBH its kind of nice, since all the other Horde have the same ques you’re getting the honor at the same rate (although bad games hurt way worse) so you get a 15 min break between games to do whatever. Alliance most likely get insta que and have to stare at AV the entire day or fall behind.

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PVE doesn’t have a que, can do that!

“you guys” implying every Horde plays on PvP realms to destroy your fun and games.

@Evade, PvP is almost never happening in AV. Alliance just ride on by straight to Drek not wanting to engage.

Go back in the forums and find sympathy from the horde when phase 2 dropped. A lot of Alliance couldn’t play the game because of the 24/7 ritual camping of any high level areas, flight paths and Menethil boats.

Lucikly, I was geared and max level by then so I didn’t get the brunt of it but we all saw what was going on with horde griefing levelers and people doing solo content as the minority faction on their servers.

We all told you - enjoy your queue times with this behavior. Well, enjoy your queue times. Y’all did this to yourselves.


what Unwashed said…suffer, insects!!

I got my rep items so now I only pvp when I want to.


No, I’m not playing your immature game. Grow up. Some of you Alliance take this way, way, way too serious and personal. You act like your chars are YOU. It’s sad that there is seemingly no disconnect.

You chose a PvP server and then complained when PvP happened. Same as in AV, you don’t want to engage in PvP. It’s mind boggling, really.

I too remember a lot of times the Alliance cried about AV as well. BC/WotLk when Horde played a lot of scorched earth and the Alliance threatening to boycot AV.

Yeah, good times. :wave: