You can’t be serious…Season of Discovery Developer Update - Feb 27, 2024
- Classic also had 20 player raids. I said nothing about 40 player raids in my response to you. Even UBRS was originally 15 players…
- See previous blue response from late February.
I don’t waste my time trying to convince people like you to like 20 player content. You aren’t going to change your mind.
I content myself with reminding you that Blizzard was very clear about 10 players not being the end game.
Picking this particular version to build SoD. Every version of which has, in fact, had 40 player raids: Classic, Season of Mastery, and Hardcore. There was ZERO chance they were going to retrofit everything down to 10 player raids. They might all end up 20. They were never going to be 10.
They further notified us about 20 player MC in February meaning if you weren’t making plans to join a larger guild at that point, you were fooling yourself. They even notified us that the P3 level 50 raid was going to be 20 players…in February.
Finally, I am not suggesting 40 players are superior. I prefer them. They allow for a different scale of fight than what a 20 player fight allows. That includes things like heavier damage from a boss. Requiring more tanks in a rotation (like 4h). Being able to actually have a fight like pre-nerf Shade because you can have multiple players die and the raid can still succeed. Yes, 40 player raids tend to be easier. A lot of that is due to the overlap in builds allowing for some built in failure where the smaller raids don’t have the same margin for error.
I have more reasons, but again, I am not trying to convince you. You won’t agree with me regardless.