20 kills away from 100,000 honorable kills achievement

Damn, my server was horde dominated and we went into WG with a few raids vs 2-3 people with a huge buff. I was racking up straight bg HK’s. PvE geared shaman and lock were so fun though. Resil stacked Resto druid and Resto sham too. I remember me as Resto sham, my irl warrior and rogue friend capping in wsg 3v10 since teams didn’t balance out at the start back then and we decided to go balls to the wall, took down their FC and made it. You just can’t do that anymore. One of the funnest moments I’ve ever had in a game.

It would be really cool if they added more achievements for honorable kills. Its one of the few achievements (The 250k one) I’m actually proud of, but its lost its luster since I’ve gotten it since its been so long.

I don’t really see the downside in including some more. I don’t even want rewards, I would just really like to know how many Alliance I’ve killed in totality, which isn’t easily done without an achievement tracking progress.

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Pfft I got 100k in 2009.

Oh dang… I got that back in like Lich king I think…

Congrats on 100,000 HKs. I’m around 74,000 HKs or so myself. Hoping to reach the 100K mark sometime in the future, But I don’t PvP as much as I used to anymore.


My 250k lifetime took quite some time. Years and years of pvp. It was well worth it though.

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Nice. I only have50k combined on the 3 characters I was stabby with the most. But I haven’t stabbed anyone since cata. I’m a pansy now. :frowning:

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Wow, and I only have just over 30,000. 30,023 to be exact.

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“Shax would be like, ‘This is amazing!’.” -Cayde-6

RIP Cayde

Congrats, but how did people not already instantly get this when they made the kills account wide…?

Took me a while to get. i didnt pvp much until mop. Thats basically when i got all my kills from. CONGRATS tho. rock that bloodthirsty when u hit 250

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most of it was my resto/ele troll shaman, SL/SL lock, combat mace stun rogue, and old school survival hunter. =]

I had 75k kills on my 2 toons before first xpac/burning crusade came out :sunglasses: BG’s didnt even exist when I started pvpin.

Why no 100k achievement? Kills are account-wide, so 75k+75k would obviously get you the achievement the first day they went account-wide.

Got Field Marshal on warrior and Leiut Commander on my Pally, that was enough for me at that point :grinning: Oh for account wide I will check, I didnt know that.

Time is an illusion.

you got this, Dreta…

I got Bloodthirsty during the Cata content drought right before MoP launched. I didn’t even notice that I got it until much later. To this day, I can’t remember which toon I was playing when I got the achievement. lol

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Good luck man, I remember getting my 100k then giving myself burnout towards 250k. I think I’m somewhere around 170k right now but haven’t done pvp aside from my 100 arena wins since WoD

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I went from negligible amount of HK’s to 100,000 while doing the 14 ranks of old school, pre-nerf High Warlord way back in Vanilla.

That grind was so horrible, it put me off PvP entirely and now I only go into BGs when it’s required for something (last time, back in Legion, some quest giver in the Rogue Playhouse made me go get a victory in a BG, so I did).

I stopped at 100,000 years ago and only have a little over that total, to this day. I quit wearing the High Warlord title (got tired of people challenging me to duel), but I sport the “%t of the Horde” title just because it sounds cool to me.


Battlemaster and Bloodthirsty since '14. Killing and HKs are a product of said objectives.