So the “hearthstation” toy a present from the christmas event feast of winter veil. There is a horde/alliance side toy and when you earn one you are meant to earn the other for the other faction, a few years ago this was bugged and blizz implemented a fix for people who had not yet looted it.
The year after we assumed we would have an option to loot this again (even from the opposite faction as thats the one you do not have) but the toy doesn’t drop this toy was meant to be 100% to my knowledge. (From memory when i submitted a ticket, blizzard said you have the item hence why its not dropping even though you do not have the alliance side version, at the time they said it was a bug and would “Raise it”.)
Can blizzard not add some smarts to this toy so if you have it on one faction it auto grants the toy on the other side? it’s annoying being the only toy i still need for 2 years and can literally do nothing about it because I “looted it before it was fixed”. Especially since it’s only available for a few weeks per year.
Can blizz confirm its fixed for this year for people who already have 1 half of this?