2 Players looking for Mythic Progress guild

We are 2 Progression minded players looking for a new home.
We are looking for something later in the day Preferably after 8 PM EST

I am flexible between any spec DK, UH, Frost, Blood or Restoration Shaman with the logs to back it up

With my friend who is a Restoration Druid, also a very good parsing Player

We are both open to criticism and improvement.

(DK and Shaman)
Saphra and Zeganna

(Resto Druid)

WHO WE ARE After getting into the mythic raiding scene in BfA and working up to CE in BoD, a small group of friends decided to start a new guild on US Area 52 (Horde). Our goal is to provide players with a friendly, fun, chill, and laid back atmosphere and environment for raiding and pushing mythic keys. We believe that team work makes the dream work and value strengthening our community as a team over individual progression.

We are currently looking for players to build a raiding team roster for our mythic progression to include healers and DPS. We raid every Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 - 11:00 PM EASTERN. In addition we are always looking for players for our mythic key teams and have mythic key nights every Tuesday at 8:00 - 11:00 PM EASTERN.


Interested in joining our guild? Reach out to SDL leadership below via Battlenet or Discord!
Skeen - Guild Master - BNET - L33tSk33zY#1491 | Discord - SkeenGaming#3638
Malters - Raid Leader - BNET - Malters#1302 | Discord - Malters #7240
Blurie - Log & Key Master - BNET - Gillydakid#1267 | Discord - blurie #7748

Hi there! I think you guys would be a great fit!

[Imperative] [H] is looking for a few exceptional players to balance out our raid team and push into Mythic Progression. Our raiders are a fun group who enjoy hanging out in Raids and Mythic+. We love to chill and chat it up in Discord! We take progression seriously but still know how to have a good time while doing so.

Current progression: 8/8N, 8/8H AOTC Now going into Mythic

Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday
9pm to 12am EST

Tank: None

Healer: Holy Pally/Resto Druid

DPS: Ret Pally, DK DPS, Shadow Priest - Must be pulling 30k+ DPS

Recruitment is open to all. If you feel you’re up to making 90% of the raids, performing well every week, and can follow mechanics, please add me to btag and we’ll chat!

Btag: SilentNukee#1505
Discord: SilentNukee#5576

^ Oops posted on an alt but that’s me!

You guys end up finding a team? if not hit me up Malters#1302 | Discord - Malters #7240. We currently raid wed/thur 8-11pm est.

Would your shaman healer be interested in the first 3 bosses of mythic next Tuesday for free, just need a healer to fill in

Hello Saphra and Dendritus! Virtually Impossible are looking for more to fill our Raid team. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 12am-3am EST. We are 1/8M and 8/8H EP. We would love to chat with you two. My bnet is: Strohs#11784. looking forward to chatting with you two.

bump bump bump


bump bump bump bump :slight_smile:

Bump bump bump :slight_smile:

Hello. we are currently recruiting here is our info below. We just merged our 2 guilds that were split raiding so Wowprogress is off but if you have any questions feel free to message me or an officer.
Bnet: Rooster#12720

COPY PASTA SPAM FOR YOU :slight_smile:

Chemical Imbalance is looking for more skilled raiders to push into 8.2 Mythic content.

We expect the best from all our players, including officers who live up to their titles and raiders who maximize their performance, not their excuses.

Please note all raids are mandatory and players are expected to post out in advance when they know they will have to miss a raid, so check your schedule before your proceed further!

We are not looking for raiders who only show up for farm nights or are generally unreliable.

Our team raids from 9:00pm-12:00pm EST(server time) Friday and Saturday

8/8 N EP
8/8 H EP

What can you expect from us?

-Within our raid team you can expect a friendly and reliable group of players willing to help out others and also run other content outside of raiding such as mythic+ 5 man content, world quest, ect

-Our raids are laid back with a fun atmosphere, but focused and ready to give it our best when it comes to bosses.

-Raiders that are constantly pushing to improve their characters, Whether it be by re-gemming completely, researching their class consistently, or just working on improving their play style.

Current Openings:
Healers = druid/monk preferred
Tank = Closed
Melee = Ret Pally, Rogue highest priority
Ranged = Warlock, Shadow Priest highest priority

We will consider all classes/specs, if interested please feel free to contact.


Still looking for a group. Anything 9pm or later 3/8m we will be happy to trial with! :slight_smile:

bump bump bump stiiiilll looking

Half credit 3/8, raids Mon, Tues, weds 10p-12a EST with an extra hour on Tuesdays (10p-1a). 7 hour raid week. M+ sell groups, alt raid Thurs. Non-toxic group.
Hit me up if interested.
moclaw#1519 bnet
monkey#2264 discord

TL;DR - we’re recruiting, hit me up if you’re interested.

Who is Reaper? is a two-day raiding guild on Area 52. Most of us have played together for years, and there are a lot of raiders with high-end experience who are willing to teach as we progress. We formed during Mists of Pandaria and have maintained the same leadership since day one. If you want to have a good time, kill some bosses, learn more about raiding, or even have knowledge to share, we want you.

Schedule Our raid schedule is Wednesday-Thursday 9:30PM-12:30AM EST, with raid invites going out 15 minutes before raid start. We also have other alt runs that spring up throughout the week and are active in Mythic Plus dungeons.

Current Needs We are currently recruiting RANGED DPS - specifically Mage, Warlock, Hunter and HEALERS with viable DPS offspecs.

We are always willing to consider new raiders regardless of specific recruitment needs at any given time and are currently planning to start a second raid team to progress heroic and mythic.

Contact BTag: Barrbarian#1366.

[Area-52] <What Are Logs> 2 Day 3/8M [US-Horde]

TLDR: 2 Day Mythic Guild On Area 52

Raids every Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00PM-10:30PM EST.

Current Raiding Needs For Raid Team

Tanks: Recruiting Closed

Healers: Recruiting Open

DPS: Recruiting Open

For more info or to ask some questions don’t hesitate to PM my
Bnet: Nightgunner#1901

Discord: Mat#4382 (best option)
Or Reddit to inquire.

IMPACT (8/8H) is a newly formed guild with a solid mythic experienced core seeking to push into mythic and eventually get CE. We are looking for players willing to put in maximum effort to achieve our goals together. Even if your class/spec isn't listed in our needs feel free to come to us. We will never turn away good players.

Raid Nights: Tues/Thurs 8-11pm est (prog) Fri 8-11pm est casual/alt run

Needs: Exp/Geared Dps and Healers

Contact Info:

hey there hit me up in game.


<Got Kicked> - Area-52 Horde is a 2 day raid team. We raid on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 9PM-12AM EST . Optional heroic clears are ran on Tuesday’s - same as regular raid time.
We’re a semi-casual guild who pushes each tier as far as we can through Mythic. The more competent our raid team is; the further we are able to push. If our team is competent enough this tier to try and push for CE then we will but we won’t stress over it.
Our guild is relatively small but filled with a close group of friends who constantly trash talk each other. This is the warning to all future recruits: If you get easily offended you need not apply!

We’re currently recruiting a Healer and competent DPS to progress through Mythic Eternal Palace.

We are currently seeking the following classes/specs/roles :

Tanks: Closed

Healers: Open to the following Classes
Restoration Druid
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman

DPS: Open to the following Classes/Specs
Beast Mastery Hunter
Marksmanship Hunter
Frost Mage
Fire Mage
Windwalker Monk
Shadow Priest
Affliction Warlock
Destruction Warlock

Please be able to provide a link to Warcraft logs with parses in the spec you are interested in applying as.

Requirements to apply:

  1. 430 ilvl Minimum.
  2. 8/8H Experience Minimum (3/8M Experience preferred) .
  3. HoA lvl 60 Minimum (ideally with us being on Mythic Ashvane Progression - a second minor (65) would higher chances given you meet the other criteria) .
  4. If you are off server you must transfer over (can be discussed upon application) .

Extra details about when in raid:

  1. Raiders are required to bring their own consumables (food, pots, flasks). We provide one cauldron per night and drop feasts as long as they’re in supply.
  2. Be enchanted and gemmed if you have gem slots on your gear (basic raiding guild requirements).

We also require the following addons :

  1. Deadly Boss Mods or Big Wigs
  2. RC Loot Council (All loots drops are obviously personal and if you are able to trade but want to keep it for yourself then just whisper our raid lead during loot rolls. All trade-able loot is handled through RC Loot Council where you select the appropriate option based on upgrade. We then decide where it goes as a council (GM, CoGm, Officers).
  3. WeakAuras 2

If you meet the following criteria and wish to apply you may contact us through bnet: Jade#1232 or Brew#11622. We will give more information then.

Last reminder: *If you get easily offended you need not apply!