Returning players getting ready for Shadowlands. We’re excited to play the next expansion and both quit BFA on and off after 3/8M eternal palace. BFA was a rough one for us to really get into for obvious reasons. We both work a lot during the week and really want to find a weekend raiding guild or even later at night on Fridays. We’re looking for a guild that doesn’t have issues clearing every boss on Heroic each tier. If the guild is laid back enough we are also interested in doing Mythic bosses.
A little background on both of us:
Lithid (myself)
I’ve been playing since 2005 in Vanilla wow. In WotLK I was in a US top 20 guild during Ulduar which is my fondest memories of wow. I also achieved Gladiator in rated arena back then and again in Cata. Over the years my work life diminished my hardcore gaming lifestyle and now I’m a bit more laid back and casual about it all, while still playing to the best of my ability and making sure I stay up to speed with my class and stats and how to build properly to fit the occasion or mode I’m playing in. I’ve played every class at a high level and enjoy having more than 1 toon to play on for some diversity in play. I will most likely be maining either Shaman or Druid. I will either Heal or Ranged DPS in raid as a Shaman or Druid, and plan to heal in arena.
Furi (2nd player)
Furi has also played since 2005 in Vanilla wow, we got the game on the same day and spent all night casting solar wrath on random mobs in Teldrassil while we explored our first MMO lol. I actually think he played some EverQuest before that but didn’t do much in that game. Furi was raiding with me in Eternal Palace going 3/8M and has always played arena with me and is a strong player who can also play any class in the game to a high caliber. Furi will be maining a Warlock in Shadowlands.
Ideal raid times for us would be 7:30pm PST or later start time on Fridays, or any time on Sat/Sun except for early mornings.
If your guild raids at these times and you think we’d be a good fit for your guild please reach out to me on Discord and thanks for reading the post!
Discord: Lithid#9269