2-Piece set worth it? First pvp

Hey all,

So I’m curious if the two piece set for frost is worth it in pvp? I see all pvpers using it which is an 8% increase to ice lance damage but, once in instances PvP it states 4%

That’s seems low. Is it worth the sacrifice of versatility for the 4% increase?

Also, if the two piece is worth it, gearing wise, I see everyone using the hands/chest. I know it’s haste>mastery>crit but, I find I’m not critting against frozen targets 100% of the time. Could the legs be worth it instead? I’m in no ways a rated player, just random bgs.

Thanks for any help!

4% increase to Ice Lance is worth it to trade one Versa / X piece for Haste / Mastery piece (tier set chest), as both Haste and Mastery for Frost are good stats that are only slightly below Versatility in PVP.

As for crit - it is reduced to 50% damage increase in PVP, so stacking crit chance would provide less average increase than stacking any other secondary stat. While you would shatter crit more reliably, your average output would still be lower, so usually it is not worth it.


Ah awesome, thanks for the reply and breakdown, I appreciate it. I didn’t know haste and mastery was close to vers.

I also missed with mastery:

Increases the damage of Frozen Orb, Blizzard, and Comet Storm by 9%.

Increases the damage of Ice Lance, Glacial Spike, and Ray of Frost by 6%

Chest piece it is. Thanks again!

So just to clarify, because I’m a bit slow, you are saying to use chest set piece rather than legs? right now I am using gloves and legs as my 2 set…
Also if the 2 set are both chapion 8/8 gear @ 619, is it worth to spend on the forged pieces in their place since they scale up to 636 or whatever it is?
Thanks ahead of time…

By forged I mean the pieces you can get for the bloody tokens

So from what I know so far, use the chest and hands as the 2 piece.

For the legs, use the crafted algari competitors leggings. Make sure you use the Forged Gladiators Heraldry tokens so the legs scale to 639 in PvP and also don’t forget to add the embellishment that doubles the effect of your nerubian embellishment when crafted and use haste/vers for stats.

For the head slot, use the bloody tokens piece for now. I hope this helps!

That helps a ton! Quick response too. You’re a legend, thank you man. I’m enjoying gearing for pvp more than I am for pve at this point lol, you can really feel yourself getting stronger.

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Ah no worries at all mate. It’s fun as heck imo. Have you tried the frost bolt build? Holy moly. I did Korraks last night and ended up with 146 kills with 1.8 trillion damage. It’s nuts in icy veins. If the opposing team lets you free cast, you can pretty much wipe their whole team. OP and the most fun I’ve had in ages. Korraks is a great way to gear up. Enjoy!