2 months into classic

A “Vocal Minority” is just that, a loud small group.

Remember the Original game was released in 2004 with a level cap of 60.
|The Burning Crusade |January 2007 |70|
|Wrath of the Lich King |November 2008 |80|
|Cataclysm |December 2010 |85|
|Mists of Pandaria |September 2012 |90|
|Warlords of Draenor |November 2014 |100|
|Legion |August 2016 |110|
|Battle for Azeroth |August 2018 |120|

For 3 years we had the original game. Yes there is a ton of content in the original game, enough to last even an average player about a year.

What happens is, this “vocal minority” just blows through everything, skipping a MASSIVE amount of the content. These people just quest and level through based on a route layed out by someone else. So yes, they will get bored pretty quick. However, the majority of the players in classic are taking their time, finding those little hidden quests, exploring, keeping up with their crafting, questing on both continents, the entire social aspect, ect…

Right now my highest character is 23 Hunter, stopped leveling for the moment to track down those super pets that are hidden around (and get them leveled up), leveling up leather working to make better gear for the 25-30 range, and helping out others do harder quests.

In the end, the people who want instant gratification will always push through the game to the end, then be bored. The people who take their time will get to enjoy the game from start to finish. And personally, they should NEVER do expansions in classic. Classic is just that, the ORIGINAL incarnation of the game. If you want expansions, there is current Retail version that already has all of that content.

So just Ignore the “Vocal Minority” and enjoy your time in Azeroth!


My turn now?

Stop making the ridiculous-on-the-surface claim that Modern is any better a substitute for BC than it is for original-Classic and demanding we not make posts you don’t agree with.

It’s obvious that TBC and wrath was better than classic and it had more players. Wrath imho was the most polished and people are still playing wrath on private servers.


What did you report him for? I’m confused. O.o

Private servers don’t matter.

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I can do you one better.

Devs didn’t even wait until Classic to be released before asking us if we want TBC, Wrath, etc servers…

All it does is make the devs have a better idea of exactly what they asked us.

Instead of complaining about people discussing exactly what the devs asked, feel free to add your opinion to the discussion, or just ignore the discussion altogether if you don’t care.


I am still waiting for day of Legion servers would be up, one day . . .

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Some of us want to move on to TBC/LK but a lot of us want to stay in the orbit of Classic, with a Classic +. I love Classic and I love the way it plays and everything about it, TBC and LK erode that and IMO its the wrong discretion to take.

Its never sad to want to look to the future, I’m enjoying the game in the here and now but nothing last forever and people just want to know what’s coming next…no harm in that.

Those two xpac’s rate of growth compares NOTHING to Classics rate of growth…they had more players but they grew at less of a rate…

People play LK and TBC servers but those servers are no where near as popular as the Classic servers were.

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I dont get what goobers like you expect. Everyone to play vanilla forever?



this is what retail players told people who wanted classic for a long time, very tone def.

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TBC was flat out a better game. Same with WoTLK. Your rose-tinted glasses are so dark that you’re blind.


Technically, we’re one month into Classic.

No it is not the same go play Vanilla in retail not in classic for PvP.
Now go play TBC on retail. Again PvP. Get one shot by 120’s nope not the same as playing TBC on a TBC server.
Here goes my wall of text players sorry I have to.
Ion himself said that they would release tbc servers depending on how well classic did. he also said that classic servers were going to go up and stay up. even if they became ghost towns.
With that said I believe Classic did do better than Blizzard expected.
How many more players came back to play Classic? I lot more than both of us know.
How many more will come back to play the other xpacs? A lot more than you can think of.
How much more money will Blizzard make? A lot more than you think.
I started playing in TBC unsub all my accounts right before MoP.
I have been playing on private servers for four years now.
When I heard about Classic a little over a year ago that was all the talk about playing Classic. Than all the talk was about if Blizzard would do a Wrath and on how many would come back.
One month before Classic was released I resub two accounts and bought a new one. I know I am not the only one.
I came back to play Classic, staying to play Wrath. With that said I will unsub and go play Wrath some where else.
I would prefer to play Wrath on a Blizzard server. Not as buggy and no work arounds, no wintrade, no bots ect. Blizzard knows all the code where the private servers do not.

All the returning players including me knew about the shut off xp. So why did we not come back sooner, we could do the same for Classic right?
What that is right not the same game.
But it is the same game for all other expansions right?
What population loss, more of a population gain.

That isn’t a question.
That’s them saying “Yeah we could go that way if we wanted to”

And then saying “we will do that if that’s what the community wants”.

…and then people get upset when the community says “yeah, we’d like that.”

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Actually what we really want are bug fixes

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You realize the forum is a mix of every single person playing the game right? You will always have the next group to want something. Welcome to the internet.

another post started by a retail player.


Not all people


Most of those requests seem to be coming from retail nags, or weirdos rooting against Classic. Yes anyone who roots against more gaming options are weirdos by definition. Its like rooting against perfect weather, just to be that weirdo.

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