2 Group Premades in BGs? How?

Hey folks,

I just encountered a premade in Deepwind Gulch, random battleground, that consisted of EIGHT players from the same server, and a few matching from another server. This was in the 50s bracket, but many of them were 90+ and a few others were twinks.

How is that possible? I know about the exploit to queue in xp-on BGs while your exp is off, but how can you make a premade consisting of 2 groups? I recall a long time ago there was a way to sync the queueing, is that still how it’s done?

Have two party leaders join queue for a selected battleground at the same time. If the queues pop simultaneously you’re good to go, if not, start over from square one.

This strategy has been favored for lots of BG achievements over the years, like We Had It All Along (cough) and Resilient Victory from AB as well as Mine Cart Courier from SSM.

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It’s been like this a long time, just more proof they care nothing about pvp.

Why so?

Premade epic BGs are very fun, and provide a lot of entertainment for my community.
This content is good for the game. And yes, there are premades on both sides. I’ve sometimes tried to “intercept” an Alliance premade with my own.

I don’t think its fair to have a team mostly likely on discord calling out kill targets to face an actual random group, most of them pve’rs just trying to do the daily for AP. Or the other guy with 100k hp trying to get some gear. Sounds real entertaining.