We’re two former Mythic CE raiders looking to get back into raiding, but with alot less time commitment and such. We’re looking for a group that is currently working on Heroic, maybe SOME mythic bosses in the current raid, with plans to do so as well for 9.2
Our availability is as follows;
- Sun / Mon / Tu / Wed/ Thr
- 7pm CST to 1030pm CST
We have several classes and spec’s between the two of us, with a few ready to jump right into the raid currently and can be flexible to a group’s needs, though our preference would be one of us tanking, the other playing a Ranged DPS.
Link your info and we’ll be in touch!
Hey Ozrik,
I am GM over at Project Cloverfield and I was wondering if you would be interested in chatting a bit about joining our guild.
Please add me at bruneski#1367 and I look forward to speaking with you. In the meantime, check out our post here
Casually Dysfunctional of Seraph is recruiting like minded, exceptional raiders for 9.2! We are actively searching for players who will be a good fit for our progression and who will help others strive to be better as well. Our main recruitment needs at this time are heals & dps.
We raid twice a week - Wednesday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CST. Our aim is to have fun while improving our skills and progressing through the raid content. Casually Dysfunctional is mainly a heroic oriented team and we have achieved AOTC for both Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination. We plan to earn AOTC for Sepulcher of the First Ones and casually clear mythic content after if time permits. If you think you’d be a good match for our team, please reach out to our recruiting officer #XmandevilX1815 (Battle.net) or Mandevil#7165 (Discord).
Visit SeraphGuild.com
for more information, and watch us raid at http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild!