2 friends LF smallish guild (Area 52 Horde)

My friend and I have decided to return to WoW and are looking to find a guild. We are very casual gamers and would prefer a smaller guild. Being able to do raids every now and then would be nice, along with mythic+. We stopped playing roughly a month after the Dragonflight release so we do have a few level 70s. She plays mostly Healer/dps classes, while I play mostly DPS and sometimes tank classes.

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Vitae Rising is an AOTC guild of middle aged raiders currently recruiting more for Aberrus, pvp and M+. Tue/Thur 10PM EST start. Spots available for rdps and a healer. 18+ only. For more info or if you’d like to set up a trial, add me at Rawrabear#1450 or Fenrirulv#4433 (discord).

Hello there! Our Horde guild [Children Of Gygax] is recruiting healers and dps for Aberrus. We are a casual heroic guild that is 8/8H.
Our current progression
-Vault of the Incarnates-

  • Aberrus-
    Our raid times

  • Thursdays / Sundays 9PM - 12pm EST.

Server : Destromath

Voice Chat : Discord

What we’re looking for
Being on time and prepared for raids. Which Includes :

  • Enchanted -
  • Gem slots filled -
  • Food -
  • Phials -
  • Potions -


  • Melee Dps -
  • Ranged Dps -
  • Healer -
    Spec not excluded to exceptional players.
    We also do regular group content such as Mythic+ dungeons, and hang out playing other games with each other as well. We are connected to a few other guilds to do stuff together on top of that in our discord. If you’re interested, we could always use more dedicated people that’d like to join a gaming community such as ours.

You can contact me here :
Battle-net tag - Vercross#1411
Discord - Xcrush#1465

Hey! We’re One More Pull on Zul’Jin. Currently we are looking for DPS to join us, and a heal flex would be amazing when one of our main ones can’t make it! We are a smaller guild of 18 people, we would love 20 to dabble into mythic after achieving AotC. We always do keys together when not in raid (T/Th 8-10:30 EST) and a ton of other in game content like the hidden mount puzzles and rep grinding. Reach out on disc if you’re interested! Mollotov#2682


We’d be glad to have both of you… if you decide to raid with us we’ll find a slot. If not, no big deal. Come enjoy our discord chats and memes. Linking my recruitment post with my contact info if you want to chat.

We are definitely on the smaller side. Not even a month old!

New Moon - Area52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild in April 2023. Everyone any level, any class, any faction is welcome to join us!

Our raid days are Friday and Saturday 8:30pm - 11pm EST.
We are forming a fresh raid team for the 10.1 patch. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Most consumables will be provided for each raid when appropriate.

Our current recruitment needs is some dps. Not really too picky.

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: discord.gg/newmoonguild

Adult Guild Actively Looking: Mage & Boomkin & Warrior. RAID Days & Times: Wednesday & Thursdays. 7-9 pm CST. Discord info: Moth#8186 - Bnet info: DeviantLoa#1660. Discord is the preferred way of communication

Hey Babayaga! We are looking for a player like you and your friend to play with and raid with :slight_smile: if you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild Heartbreakers is the guild for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic Raiding guild. Our goal is to have AOTC and maybe some Mythic boss progress whilst maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming and friendly atmosphere. On off days many of our members are doing arenas, battlegrounds, m+s both lower keys and higher keys, running old raids and hanging out in discord.Many of the players in the guild are players who have played the game since TBC and have played alongside each other since then in much of the content.

Our raid progression and raid days/times are as follows:

8/8H (Tuesday and Thursday 9pm to 12am EST)

Heartbreakers prides itself in being a guild with a very nice balance of having the following traits:

Friendliness, respect, progression and stability.

What we are looking for:
Warlock, Priest, Rogue and Death Knight.

DPS: Both Ranged and Melee

DPS with healing OS

Dependable players with good attitudes, raiders and casual players alike. Players who are looking for a long term guild to call home and enjoy both the game content and experience along with the social aspect of the game.

Add my bnet yrreg4791#1858, I look forward to talking to you and possibly raiding with you! :slight_smile: