Hey Proudmoore people - we are a DPS married couple looking for a guild. Looking to join a guild that raids 1 or possibly 2 days a week, and a Sat/Sun schedule! M+ and raiding are what we enjoy the most, and currently we are a Hunter and DH combo. Potentially, we may switch classes for next season, but will still be DPS. Hoping to find some like minded people to run content - If this sounds like we might be a good fit, please contact me here with a reply or on Discord: Maygery#8790.
Hi Lyzii, my wife and I started Saturday Knight to form a tight-knit team that raids Saturday nights from 8 to 11pm server. We also love to run M+. Now would be a great time to join the team to be a part of it from the start. Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any questions.