come join us in 9.1
Looking for lock, DH (preferably one that can tank as offspec), and 1-2 other dps who can heal off spec for 9.1 CE push
more for 9.1
bump 9.1 sooooooon
Bump for 9.1 lets go
looking for dps for 9.1
tank, tank tank, tank tank tank.
9.1, tank needed for CE push
hmmm, tanks and dps?
6/10 M CN Warrior and/or ELE Sham very interest sent a friend request!
Still looking for tank, 5/10 H so far
1/10 M. LF Enhance shaman
2/10M. LF Boomkin, other strong DPS
i added u sunde to btag im interested im a havoc dh plz contact
LF Boomkin or classes with heal offspec
boop lf dps
DPS for mythic
wtb more dps plz
Another recruitment bump. Looking for DPS to push for CE this tier
Heroic KT dead