Hey I was wondering if someone knows from experience if I can merge my 2 bnet accounts that are both under my name and still keep things like mounts. Only asking because I’ve seen different answers online, which is why I’m hoping someone who has done this or knows someone who has done this can respond.
There has been been, nor will ever be a way to merge accounts.
Not saying I don’t believe you but what’s your source for this?
The Character Transfer service allows you to move characters to other realms, different World of Warcraft accounts, or from one Battle.net account to another. To transfer a character to another Battle.net account, both accounts must be registered under the same account holder name. It is not possible to transfer a character to another person.
Just move your character.
And I’m assuming mounts don’t transfer when you move the character from one bnet to another
Correct, nothing account wide does.
That’s unfortunate. I had some glad mounts on my old account with black proto drake. Was hoping I could transfer them
They’ve stated on record. Buying and selling accounts is frowned upon. It has to be registered to the same user at the time of registration. If there was ever a name other than yours registered on the account they won’t do it.
I did it. I have two separate accounts on one license. So two separate accounts I have share mounts, achievements, etc. The only thing is, everything on both accounts has to be exact. So your name, phone number everything has to match. If it doesn’t they will not connect it. You can message them and ask them to connect your accounts if you’d like.
I’m trying to open two accounts to transfer one of my characters and i can’t find how. Can you help please?