1hour queue at 6pm on Herod

Why is layering always removed so suddenly on servers as populated as Herod? Everyone was finally getting used to dealing with wbuffs with each layer, and as soon as there is a smooth system, layering is dropped and all hell breaks lose.

-There is griefing at nearly every world buff location and the BWL Orb.
-There is targetted purging going on by multiple priests/shamans from both horde and alliance in major cities, hearth locations, and ghosts outside of the BWL portal waiting to res and purge people just running into raid. On top of that, going into the Herod discord, @ing the person they dispel in hopes of getting a response out of them to satiate their sad, pathetic life.

This isn’t world PvP.
This isn’t classic.
This isn’t fun.

We just want to play the game.


I second this message. We want to play the game we paid for not sit in a queue for hours on end.

I would LOVE a one hour queue at 6… On Whitemane.

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I find it very odd that the crowd who cried that they wanted layering gone are now crying to have laying return… Such a weird community! :thinking:


I never asked to remove layering. Clearly I’m pro layering based on my post. Classic will never be Vanilla. The population on the servers is so much higher than it ever was on a single server back in Vanilla. Something needs to be adjusted; the solution is layering imo.

Let me guess, you rolled on Herod at launch like everyone else did.


Plenty of Vanilla servers had queues though. Was your server not one of the ones offered free transfers?

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PVP with queues on a full PVP server.

It’s a two hour queue at 10 pm on herod … Idk being in leadership of a guild it’s getting tiresome having to constantly over recruit a bench or pull in people from other raids because people get caught up in work or get disconnected during remote desktop and don’t notice.

With the upcoming changes to lotus, I don’t see why they wouldn’t bring layers back. Layering actually helped solve the que issue. Removing them with no alternative but to sit and wait 3 hours to play isn’t a solution.

I don’t want my only solution to be transfer servers. I’ve made a lot of friends on this server, I’m in a position of leadership in my guild, I can’t convince over 100 active raiders to transfer with me even if it would solve our short term problems. The solution is there, we’ve seen it happen with layers.

Layering was always going to be temporary, Blizzard said so from day 1.

Layering discussion aside, ban wave he f’ing bots and we can probably get in. Herod queues are unacceptable.

Yes, bots should be banned regardless.

This is happening on Whitemane, too. Blizzard won’t do anything about it.

It’s even worse when it’s same faction griefing. That is AGAINST Blizzard’s own TOS and they will do nothing:

Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:

Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

How does NONE OF THAT cover same faction griefing?

We have the same faction griefing as well. Level 1 taurens in felwood reviving to spam sit/stand on songflowers. I don’t understand how that doesn’t classify as either of those quotes from Blizzard. It’s embarrassing that we’re heading into P5 relatively soon and nothing has been addressed.

I’m sorry, but I would sacrifice your (deeply meaningful, I’m sure) in-game relationships in a heartbeat if it meant preserving a more authentic Vanilla game.

Your “solution” of layering carries many problems of its own. I’ve switched guilds twice so far in Classic. No, having to build up my reputation/acceptance within a new guild is not my favorite activity, but certainly it’s not the end of the world. I think it’s a very, very small price to pay for preserving the game.

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There is a difference between switching guilds and switching servers. I also have multiple 60s. Imo the pros outweigh the cons with layering. It’s a “necessary evil” with Classic. Classic will never be Vanilla. At this point I’m not looking for an authentic Vanilla game. I’m looking for something that’s playable without having to rely on my guild to start remote logging at work by 5:30pm to avoid getting locked in a queue. That’s a lot to ask of people, especially those who can’t remote log/have a long drive home. Asking people to transfer servers and cut all ties they have because Blizzard can’t either 1) increase server capacity or 2) implement layering more long term is bull.

Meh. These overdramatic “I’LL HAVE TO ABANDON THOSE I LOVE” statements aren’t really believable.

Yes, it’s not ideal, but it’s much less of a life-shattering event than people try to claim. If you somehow are the one person on earth who managed to get 10+ real life friends to play Classic WoW with them, of course that would suck. However, most of the time these “ties” you’re cutting simply aren’t that important.

And I don’t see what having multiple 60s has to do with anything; the free transfers didn’t have a character cap, unless I’m mistaken.

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Herod is full. FULL. Complaining about queues is like complaining about not being able to attend a concert or sporting event because the tickets are sold out. Maximum capacity has been reached.