Sounds like you might be a great fit for our guild if you’re willing to swap Alliance (also I’m a frost mage too, but swapping to fire /cries).
We’re Civil Disobedience (Alliance - US - Whisperwind) and we are actively recruiting high performing healers and DPS for Shadowlands!
We are currently raiding Castle Nathria and are 10/10 Normal, 5/10 Heroic. We finished last tier with 10/12 M Ny’alotha, 12/12 H, 12/12 N.
We run m+ other fun content every night except for Tuesday and Friday, which are our raid nights (8p CST - 11p CST). Our Mythic Keys night is Wednesdays, our alt raid night is Sundays, and our Gathering Night is Mondays!
We place a strong focus on learning and teaching. This means that if you are interested in moving toward raiding but have strayed away due to feeling it’s high pressure and high stress, not feeling like you’ve given the time and space to learn the fights, or feeling like PUGs are generally awful, then we would love to have you join us. We are more than willing to teach you the fights and to be patient with you, as long as you give us your very best!
If you are someone who wants to push keys and work on raid content in an environment that won’t penalize you for failing and instead encourages you to learn, who wants a group of like-minded friends ready to support whatever your in game goal might be, who likes shooting the breeze with a bunch of (mostly) adults, who is ready to take your playing to the next level without being condescended to, and who is willing to put in the time and work to learn and leave your ego at the door, this is the right place for you.
We are willing to pay for server transfers in some cases. Our guild bank is super stocked, and we pay for repairs (all the time, not just during raids!). We are also a women-run guild with a zero tolerance policy toward racism, homophobia, sexism etc – ALL are welcome here!!
Please let me know if you are interested and I’ll shoot your our application! Hope to hear from you!
In game: Hypotenuse (mage) on Whisperwind
Battlenet: Hypotenuse#11810 (Hypotenuse)
Discord: Hypotenuse#2915 (GM - Hypotenuse) OR Kelacia#5055 (Officer - Kelacia)