Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

Through November 4, 2024, cackle with glee when you pick up the perfect tricky-treating Skyriding mount to haunt the skies of Azeroth!

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Not a new mount at all …it was first offered up in Trading Post last year either the complete task of Trading post or buy it with tenders can’t remember which now…blizzard its not right to play on folks emotions seeing its October and try to make a buck off those that missed out last year or are new too the game after last October…

Your making it that more easier for me to quit now after all the mess with TWW and Steady flying and what happen to all those that lost millions in gold in mats out of their guild banks that you are not giving back to the players that lost the stuff…my Sub runs out Oct 5th now usually I do a one year sub but its looking like I’ll just start by paying monthly again …this isn’t the right thing to do to the players now to charge real money for this mount…when it was offered in game basically free for a little bit of questing and that…


No where in the article does it say it is new…


Agreed. Bring back Mage Tower mogs

It was the monthly reward iirc


Really? This was a free trading post reward last year.


They way they are posting it right now in October makes it seem like its new …to many that were not in game last year when it was offered up in the Trading post for free other then do some quests and earn some Traders tenders …they are playing on folks emotions putting it too the blizzard store …


Yes it was Taffer…either you did all the stuff in trading post and earned or it was sold for certain amount of Tenders …I don’t remember which…I lean towards the tasks of monthly trading post though.


Well if this doesn’t reinforce the “FOMO” towards “rewards” or items within the trading post… nothing else will. Miss out on getting it for free, or give us $20.

While in one hand, cool new players or returning players can also now “get” it… they should have been afforded the same thing we were last year. Heck give them two mounts for finishing the track this month for all I care.

Edit: Addition from another post:
Remember when they said items on the trading post would always return… I guess this is what they truly meant by that statement. Not that they’d return to the trading post for you to earn with your game time… Oh no no no.

You can earn it again… By giving them moneyz on top of the moneyz you already give them.

Or you can attempt to get the cool overly priced items at the FOMO level. Because you’re now going to fear if you miss out on getting it for “free”, you’ll have to pay them moneyz to get it.


Amen this reeks FOMO now…they just offering up the old RAF zebra mount again in the Trading post this month …it was offered up last year too in TP …for those that never got it with RAF back in the day…but to do this is just wrong now.


Classless behavior


its a ffxiv move. they do it too.
if u miss an event piece or w/e they post it on the store
so damn stupid not to just put it in-game or some event again we can do to earn it but ok


Don’t you have this mount already?

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Another joke. Thus crew is so damn lazy.


Not one thing I liked in this month’s TP. Wasn’t there supposed to be a Hunter glam?


Already have it. For those sitting on the fence, it’s my preferred mount while gathering due to it’s small size. Feels like my gatherer is just hopping from node to node without any flapping wings or propellers, etc., getting in the way.

And it fits in with the Feline Familiar pet that rides a broom.


Good thing they never said it was new.

They literally told us things could rotate in and out of the shop and Trading Post… they already have before…


New or brought back, it’s not even in the store yet. Why advertise?


Blizzard, do you not love your player base the way it clearly loves you?


I’m sure the answer to this is because they figured out they could make money but…

Why would they not have this as a Hallow’s Eve drop or vendor item to get people to engage in the event more? Brewfest was a ghost town.


Guarantee that anyone that says this in such a manner isn’t going anywhere lol.