196 Resto Shaman Horde-Illidan

10/10N 1/10H Castle Nathria healer looking for a new guild that I can progress with and eventually CE. Recently transferred to Illidan from alliance. Will always be able to make raid times and am an excellent listener. 13 years of WoW raiding experience. Feel free to message or add me if you think I might be a good fit!

discord: justBlue92#0504
Bnet: justBlue92#1316

Hello. I don’t know if you’d be willing to server transfer/faction change but we are currently looking for a resto shaman. VZN (Horde) on Tichondrius is a group of dedicated and skilled players looking to achieve efficient high-end mythic raiding. We are working to be CE every tier with only a 9 hour raid schedule. We require our raiders to have 2 characters raid-viable in Shadowlands. We are currently 10/10 N and 4/10 H. In addition to raiding we do run M+ and have several people who are pushing whenever they can.

Raid times are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 730 pm to 1030 pm PST

If interested, please contact us on battlenet or discord

Battlenet: Skönk#1440 (alt code = alt+0246)
Discord username: Feig#7763
Battlenet: Noxx#11413
Discord Username: Noxx#1970

Thank you for your interest. We hope to be hearing from you soon.

Hey Revali! If you are up to coming to Mal’ganis then my team might be the right fit for you.

CA Progression: 10/10N 4/10H

Our Vision:

CA began with a clear goal in mind; building a tight knit group of competitive raiders who want to achieve Cutting Edge all while maintaining a light raiding schedule. We recognize that the success of a raiding guild depends on making intelligent and informed decisions, communicating effectively and maturely, and being as prepared as possible for every challenge. Our leadership is experienced and understands the commitment required to maintain an effective raiding roster throughout each tier. We are committed to clearing all mythic content each tier with the goal of achieving the highest possible ranking and to constantly improve ourselves and our team.

We raid 6 hours per week on the following schedule:

  • Tuesday - 8PM - 11PM CST
  • Wednesday - 8PM - 11PM CST

Our commitment to you:

We pride ourselves on being efficient on a light schedule while still having a professional, driven, and respectful atmosphere. We promote an atmosphere that encourages team-oriented attitudes, minimized drama and toxicity, and rewards preparation. Our roster is made up mostly of working-class adults who desire hardcore progression on a less hardcore schedule.

Joining us you can expect:

  • Experienced, passionate, and driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A performance orientated environment. On progression we will bring the best 20 regardless of seniority, creating a competitive environment where raiders will continue pushing themselves to improve in order to maintain their position.
  • Trials who are recruited and put into progression scenarios quickly. We want you to prove your merits and what you can bring to our roster on non-trivial content.
  • Constant recruitment to improve the roster and create internal competition to constantly improve.
  • A healthy roster of 25+ raiders all held to the same standards and expectations.
  • Fair play time - during farm we rotate players fight to fight based on loot needs. We aim to keep all players on our roster engaged and active with raiding and progression time.
  • No split groups and thus do not require an alt. We do require proficient off-spec(s). We run a lean roster so versatility is a must.

Our Expectations:

As 2 day/week guild, we need to make every hour we play count. As such we’re looking for players who will come into raids as prepared as can be, and eager to make every pull a meaningful one. Qualities we’re looking for in applicants:

  • Progression experience - We’re looking for players who have been a part of end-tier progression pushes in past or present content. Ideally we’re looking for people who have knowledge of what it takes to succeed in a progression guild over a prolonged period of time.
  • Team oriented, mature, and professional attitude - We take raiding seriously and value the community we raid in. Therefore we are looking for maturity, respect, and integrity when considering applicants. We have a no tolerance approach to bullying, toxic personalities. We are looking for team players who value the success of the guild and the benefit of the raid over personal gain or glory.
  • Constant improvement - We keep our roster spots competitive and reward those who constantly push themselves to get better. You should understand that no matter how good you are, you can always improve. We want players who are constantly analyzing and researching how they can improve, and coming to raid each and every night with the goal to be better than the last.

How to Join:

If you’re interested in joining, go to the following link and fill out an application:

Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOTmDlUR9R_3PfMLOMShDu-1PT-lQiQGKlfGa5Brzt7–s1Q/viewform

You also can chat with us if you have any questions about the guild or how we operate before applying.

Please contact one of the officers below if you have any questions:

(Discord: Xeddy#1221, Btag: Xeddy#1427)
(Discord: Gudds#3932, Btag: Gudds#1416)

I’ll add you to discord.

Blarg Squad is 10/10N 2/10H CN. We are looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. Mechanics MATTER. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Prizmå (Btag: Mint#3740 // prizma#11192)
Fattblarg (Btag: Fatman#1884 // Discord: Fatman#8817)
Bon ga: (Btag: bon ga#11421// Discord: bon ga#0728) [remove space]

If you have mythic experience, that’s a plus, but it is not required - a strong heroic performance and ready for the next level player can be very successful in mythic. In addition: Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, and armor kits.

Our group has been raiding together for a long time, some members as far back as BC. Others came along later and a few we met in classic. We have never had a clique atmosphere. Simply come hang out. We enjoy chatting, mythic plus, good humor, and during WOW downtimes, we play other games as a group. If you want a place to chill, we’re good for that too.

R.IO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad

We are Shade a Horde mythic raiding guild on Hyjal server. We are looking to round out our roster. Below is our current recruitment needs, more info about who we are as well as contact information. We look forward to chatting with you.

Current needs:
Balance/Resto Druid

Raid Days/Times
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST(10pm-1am EST)
Optional raid night for heroic mode Fridays 7pm-10pm PST

Guild Information
Current Progression is 10/10N, 3/10H Castle.

Our guild will be focused on achieving Cutting Edge in all raid tiers. Our players are expected to do all research and come prepared to down bosses. Players are expected to go above and beyond in getting themselves geared for the content. Our guildies run multiple sets of keys a week together. We keep a fun and non toxic environment, but expect everyone to focus up when the time comes.

Raiding Expectations

Players are expected to attend all raids per week and message an officer or post in discord if they will miss a raid. We understand that real life issues happen and we are happy to accommodate you, as long as notice is given.All applicants should be near or at their ideal setup to directly contribute to our current content.Raiders should be able to take constructive criticism.We provide funds for repairs as well as flasks and consumables for progression content. Along with free enchants/gems for main spec gear.We do not recruit for the bench, however we will make the most optimal group based on who is online for the raid.

Contacts for more info or to inquire on trialing

Hexbox(tehfluffyone#1150)–Guild Recruiter
Discord: Devana#8731
Galorina(Galorina#1877)–Guild Master


Hello Revali,

Please feel free to check out the link and contact myself or justpirt if you would like to collaborate sometime.

Thank you and hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

Hi Revali!!!

Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall

Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.

Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

Current Progression: 10/10N 1/10H

Our Goals and Requirements
Our goal is to push as much content as possible while not losing sight on our ultimate goal, to enjoy World of Warcraft.

Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Ranged dps / Healers / 1 tank

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com