Hey there me and a buddy are looking for a raid guild that raids after 8pm est. I’m a 195 rdruid/ boomkin with 9/10n exp and my buddy is a 185 prot/ ret . Both been raiding together since tbc doing mythic ce/heroic content. Reply if interested
Hey There Leaf,
My guild might be a good fit for you! We are looking for DPS currently for Raid, but could use all specs for Mythic + and other content.
We are progressing through normal currently before we make the jump over to heroic in the next week or so.
We raid Tuesday and Friday from 8pm-11pm and outside of that run a bunch of keys, pvp and other misc content.
We are a group of guys that have gamed together for 15+ years and have a pretty laid back chill atmosphere.
If interested let me know! @Slorg#1281
I’m not sure what both your availability might be. But we raid tues/thurs 7-10pm EST, Currently 8/10N and looking to get back to finishing normal and work on heroic after the holidays. I’m looking to add some more dps to the roster, looks like they are your offspecs. But if its something you’re interested in wouldn’t mind to talking and seeing if it works out.
Hi! To the Gulag is a Raiding and Mythic+ Guild that may suit your needs.
We are a guild composed of mostly adults in our 30’s so we understand that life comes first however we like to progress and see content. We raid Fri and Sat night from 8-11 central.
Please send a message to Yendorx#1489 or Valsun#11137.
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Ok…responding because…the names!!! Leafmealone and Clydefrog. Love it!
I would love to have both of you check out our guild Revered with Death. We have been looking for more dps for our Fri/Sat raids (11pm-130am server time).
I know you have 9/10 N experience, and we’re only at 3/10, our biggest issue with progressing has been lack of people.
Anyhow. Here’s the obligatory guild spam, check us out if you are interested. [H]Revered with Death - What's your End Game?
Heya Leaf! Nagas Unite is recruiting and we are a bit late night. 10:15-1:00am EST. We recently had a tank and healer leave so you would be a great fit. We raid tonight as well if you are still looking. On Normal sire!
We are a close-knit adult casual AOTC raid Guild. We have a few spots open for our weekly AOTC raid group. We are currently 10/10n and 1/10h. If you’re looking for a new home and a friendly raid environment focused on killing bosses and having a good time while we do it, look no further. We offer an active and helpful community along with a knowledgeable support/leadership core. Sometimes there are cookies.
Raid Times
We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) to 9:00 PM (Pacific/Standard) (9pm-12am eastern standard time) . The remaining days can be used for optional alt raids and endless amounts of Torghast/Mythic Plus.
We are highly unlikely to deviate from this schedule.
We currently have a need for the following classes:
Death Knight,
Demon Hunter,
Warlock, and
How to Apply
- You can apply by filling out an application here: https://forms.gle/bhndxcuoxAHqxp9e6
Once you have completed the application an officer will get in touch with you quickly. Usually within 24 hours. Be prepared to hop into discord for a short interview.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Hi! To the Gulag is a Raiding and Mythic+ Guild that may suit your needs.
We are a guild composed of mostly adults in our 30’s so we understand that life comes first however we like to progress and see content. We raid Fri and Sat night from 8-11 central. We are currently 10/10 N and 3/10 Heroic. We run Mythic+ almost daily and dabble in pvp.
Send a message to Yendorx#1489 or Valsun#11137 if you have any further questions.
Hey there Leafmealonè, My name is Brig I am a raider within Premium on thrall. We are currently 9/10H and are looking for more DPS to fill out our raid team!
Tuesday : 8:00 - 11Est P.M ( OPTIONAL RESET DAY)
Wednesday : 8-11Est P.M
Thursday : 8-11Est P.M
Friday : 8-11Est P.M
Please contact,
Bnet: Odin2054#1223 Discord: Odin2054#0326
If you find these times to be acceptable, or if you have any questions!
Hi Leaf!
My guild is currently seeking a healer for our AOTC guild. We have room for your friend to come dps too We raid Tues/Thurs 8:30pm - 10:30pm EST. If this would work for you, lets chat further!
Discord: Dreamer#7937
Bnet: Dreamer#1699
Hey imposters would want you as boomkin and ret we raid Tue thur 8:30pm to 11:30pm est we are 5/10h and do mythic plus and pvp if you would join our community and we can work on getting you home with no ship leaks