Hi Finen,
I am Zoey from - Zul’jin. I think we could be a good fit for you. We have a really big emphasis on having a good community, being efficient with raid time, and hanging out doing M+ or other games on off nights.
Guild Information in below. Hit me up on Bnet if you are interested. Zoey#1699
Am I Muted
Progression: 10/10 N, 7/10 H, 0/10 M
-12/12 Mythic Nyalotha, US 129
-8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace, First tier as a new guild
Times: Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-11:30pm CST
During new tiers we will host an optional heroic on Wednesdays after mythic is released.
About Our Guild Philosophy
We formed with the goal of building a guild with unique approach. We want to make sure the guild is a fun and positive place for our members with an emphasis on openness and transparency; we don’t want raiders to feel like we are hiding things from them and to understand any difficulties we face. We listen to our raiders suggestions and feedback; we want to make sure our members are happy, and through this we try to improve constantly.
We are a pretty chill group of people; but can be serious during prog to get them internet dragons dead. We enjoy hanging out on off nights doing keys, doing alt runs, or playing other games.
We also have a pretty laid back call out system. As great as WoW can be, it is just a game; we want to make sure to prioritize our raider’s real live before raid, to make sure no one has unneeded stress on top of their real life. As long as you let us know, with as much notice as you can, we are gonna be ok with you being out. Just don’t no show, no call. ![:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/stuck_out_tongue.png?v=9)
All in all, this is a fair place where the happiness of our raiders is a high priority.
Our Expectations
We expect our raiders to
Great Attitude: We value the community we raid in, so it is important we find players who are positive and respectful people. We extremely value our atmosphere and we don’t tolerate drama or rudeness toward other members.
Team Players: We want team-oriented players who value the success of the guild over the own parse or personal gain even if it potentially means they have to play an off-spec, do undesirable mechanics, or even be benched for composition reasons. This may mean you are not in for a fight, as we will always being our best 20 players. Or this may mean not getting a piece of gear.
Passion to Improve: Our roster is competitive and we value those who are constantly pushing themselves to become better players. Every player always has room for improvement. We want players who can take constructive criticism from others as well as analyze their own play to become better.
Preparation: Not only do we want players who want to get better, but we want players who do great research in advance for upcoming progression. We do not want players who show up not knowing the strategy or have no idea which add-ons or WeakAuras are required. Watch fight videos, pay attention to discord channels, ect.
Respect: You respect other members time. This means letting us know if you won’t be able to make raid. There is no punishment for this, but please remember that by not saying anything, you affect your other team members.