<Geese Not Handled> Stormrage-US is recruiting for TWW!

Geese Not Handled on Stormrage is recruiting for TWW! We are a reformation of a seasoned team under their own banner. Our mission is simple - Achieve CE while having fun with friends in a non-toxic environment. The team, as a whole, has been together for two years, and the leadership has substantial experience running successful CE teams. Outside of raid, our raiders do a multitude of things together, including movie nights, and non-wow game nights; many members even got together at last year’s Blizzcon. We nurture a fun environment within the guild and the raid, and are lazer-focused on achieving our CE goal.

Raid Times
Tuesday, 8pm-10pm EST
Wednesday, 8pm-11pm EST
Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Note: Tuesday is used for reclears only.

Recruitment Priority
Holy Paladin - High
Warrior DPS - High
Mage DPS - High
Warlock DPS - Medium
Rogue DPS - Medium
Other Ranged DPS - Medium
Other Melee DPS - Low
Possibly have room for an experienced tank.

Discord: hali.
Btag: Hali#11995

Geese have a complex communication system with a range of vocalizations and body language. They can convey a variety of messages, from warnings about predators to calling out to lost family members. Their vocal communication includes over ten distinct sounds, each with a specific meaning.

Come be a goose.

In ancient Rome, geese were kept in the Temple of Juno and famously saved the city from a Gallic invasion by alerting the Romans with their honking when the invaders attempted a night attack.

Happy 4th of July to all our American folks!