Season of Discovery Phase 4 Now Live!

Season of Discovery Phase 4 Now Live!

Level to 60, discover new class runes, enter the Molten Core raid dungeon to face Ragnaros, and more in the latest phase.

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Too soon!

I actually have no idea I just couldn’t resist


Wow okay, just delete my post I guess. I was genuinely curious about SoD still being a thing and would have enjoyed playing it, but maybe not. I didn’t even get flagged or actioned. What the heck just happened, lol.

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Cool but would rather have my prepatch date already since we know when it is.


Awesome! I love SoD. I’ll be hopping back on for this.

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WHY New lock out system, it makes organizing a raid terrible for pplz who cant raid multiple times a week and LOVEs the week lock out. All thos “Dad” gamers you guys highly praise that cant raid twice a week are going to be left in the dust


Nobody’s telling you that you MUST raid twice a week. It’s just there if you want to do it.


You have obviously never ran a guild before. Imagine being in an organized guild, who restructuredtheir normal raid schedule for 3 day lockouts, then restructured AGAIN for 7 days, then being told in phase 4 we have to restructure A THIRD TIME for twice weekly. So now the option is telling my raiders who want to raid for the most loot possible, but now they can’t because a system there’s no way around. Now I have to tell my guild they have to pug a lockout a week because we’re a weekend guild. This also applies to every Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday guild in existence. This hurts at least 80% of guilds minimum.


I have, in fact. I was the guildlead for a TBC Classic guild most recently, and I was in charge of putting raid groups together. If it were me in this case, I’d just run one weekly “guild raid” and tell the rest of the guild that they’re free to organize or participate in PuG raids during the second reset if they choose.

If your members are reasonable (which mine were), it would be no problem.

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People join guilds to avoid pugging. You’re delusional for this take.


Too late, I’m on retail and Enjoying it no reason to waste anymore time on a seasonal server


Clearly you’re not the kind of person I would have allowed into my guild.


Oh, this is still going on?


The easiest solution to make everyone happy if you want two raids a week is to just make each raid raidable twice in a week instead of forcing certain schedules on people.

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I enjoy them actually giving a notice of when its going to release, but really? Two weeks notice? Some people work and would have liked to be able to take off. Guess ill have to suffer again while everyone gets to expliot and blizz does nothing about it.

" Might of Stormwind" so more easy mode for alliance give em blessing and wf what did horde again? kings good luck casters

Love how they destroyed warrior. Not playing this trash phase. SoD dead.

A turtle made it to the water.


The current twice weekly schedule is not going to work for the vast majority of guilds. Most guilds are either weekday or weekend guilds (not both). That being said, Tuesday resets historically have always been great, but to add on a Saturday reset forces players into either Saturday/Sunday/Monday for a 2nd raid (which maybe 15% of your community can commit to weekly without hesitation). This is a bad idea. If you look at almost any guild in WoW Classic/SoD, their twice weekly schedules were typically Tuesday + Thursday, why would you choose Saturday…it does not make sense.

As many have pointed out, the twice weekly raid schedule will force guilds into trying to make both lockouts to not feel left behind, this will break guilds apart when half their members can’t make the weekend lockout. Also for what it’s worth, you said multiple times starting at level 50 we were going to WEEKLY lockouts and now we’ve double downed and changed that after guilds have recruited and tried to remain stable after a long P3.
CHANGE THIS TO WEEKLY, there will be enough content to make people happy

See your own P3 release video for your own confirmation we were sticking with weekly lockouts.


Weekly lockouts please. Twice weekly is too much especially since you guys left World Buffs in. Can you imagine when BWL comes out and it’s 2x MC, 2x BWL, 2x Ony every single week? That’s crazy.