Season of Discovery Phase 4 Now Live!

Did they get rid of world buffs yet?

Please consider having Tarnished Undermine Real drop from at least some “final bosses” 100% of the time to reduce the ‘punishment’ for people grinding dungeon drops- the tension of people saying “sure I’ll run xyz with you. ONCE.” Doesn’t sound fun.

Edit: Also think the 2x raid set is going to run players into a similar issue that the Chronoboon was originally developed for- people will have to spend too much time/effort worrying about their world buffs and not getting out and playing as much-can we get an alternate way to acquire buffs, if we’re keeping them in?

They added more cause it wasn’t easy enough for allaince so they also get a Warchief’s Blessing on top of windfury but hey horde got a kings buff :upside_down_face:

i think it’s lost. this isnt the classic forums.

Horde also got a better version of salvation. Calm down.

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Reading is hard I guess?
”Raid lockouts for Season of Discovery Phase 4 raids will occur regularly once a week for Molten Core and two times a week on static reset days for Onyxia’s Lair, Lord Kazzak, and Azuregos.”

No double of MC and BWL. Ony was on a 5-day schedule, so it’s better to have it on a set 2* weekly schedule, makes it line up with the other more frequent raids like ZG and AQ20

This is a common sense response.

Sadly, common sense is not so common here.

Most of the people complaining about it live and breath this game and just can’t handle it if someone gets a smidgeon ahead of them in any way.

Posts SoD in retails general forum.
Gets upset when all the posts are a bunch of retailers getting mad about it not being the retail expansion.

It’s almost like people don’t like being advertised to against their will.

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contemplates finally leveling a SoD character

looks at Remix
looks at season 4 ending soong
need elite gear still from season 3

Yea nah.

revert era changes

Is this for real? The pvp event inside of BRM was brought to live with a 50% uptime? who okayed this? Ashenvale was every 3 hours, for 1hr max (up to 33% uptime); then came STV BM event with a THIRTY MINUTE DURATION of total pvp annihilation, again on a 3hr CD (1/6th uptime). BRM is exact same, but with less paths to the BRD/BRS instances, so WAY more PVP and corpse camping. some dumbass thought this would be fun??? didnt you all learn from initial Blood Moon deaths? take those lessons and apply them here. OR, let the players get camped for an entire hour, death jumping until we can finally get close enough to the instance portal to actually play the game. This was EXACTLY what was wrong with Classic Phase 2!!! didnt you all learn anything???

idk where to post this but are there gonna be anymore updates to professions i feel like yall wasted my time with leatherworking and now im stuck with a useless profession