Pally/druid LF Heroic/Mythic prog raid guild S4

Looking for a guild for my druid and pally for S4 (comfortable healing or dps on both). . Either AOTC focused or casual mythic. 9est - whatever time needed any day of the week. Currently on Horde Illidan but can transfer if needed. I have gotten AOTC all 3 tiers.

:star2: Join Our Epic Adventure! :star2:

Guild Name: (A) Self Awareness

Server: Proudmoore-US

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Wednesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST

About our raid: As a guild we accomplish AOTC every Season but we WANT to do Mythic but just need the people. We have a Consistency of 13 to 16 players each week, so we are only short about 4 to 6 players.

What We Offer

Midcore with a Friendly Atmosphere: We believe in having fun while slaying Dragons
Dedicated Raid Nights: Our Tuesday and Wednesday raids are focused, efficient, and full of camaraderie.
Experienced Leadership: Our Officers are super chill and willing to help anyone who wants to learn!

Recruitment Needs:

Healers: Restoration Shamans, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, or Preservation Evoker

DPS: Mage, Death Knight, Devastion Evoker, Boomkin Druid, Rogue, Windwalk Monk, Shadow Priest, Warrior,

Tanks: Warriors, Druid, Death Knight, Monk (we have Two Demon Hunter Tanks already)

Positive Attitude: We value teamwork and respect.
Discord: Mandatory voice chat during raids and used as a primary form of communication.
How to Apply: Message me on Discord: Graceffa


United We Loot on Stormrage are looking for more raiders for Season 4 and TWW.

We’re a mid-mythic raiding guild with raids on Thursday and Friday from 9:00pm to 12:00am EST. We also run tons of Mythic+ nightly.

Please reach out to me on Discord at Deathfire or at Deathfire#1102

Im from magical on A52 , we are a late night mythic raiding guild looking to fill a core healing spot. Atm we are in need of a hpal! We ended season 3- 7/9mythic - and plan to clear fated on mythic as well. We raid wed/thurs from 10pm-1am est. I would love to chat about a trial!

Discord: marloe

discord is the fastest way to reach me but avail on bnet in the evenings
Hope to hear from you

Hi, Ahdragon. I’m the GM of <Murloc with a Glock>. We’re currently recruiting for our casual mythic team and would be happy to have your druid on our roster. Our guild is active in and out of raid for things like keys or random fun guild events.

Definitely reach out, I’d love to hear more about what you’re looking for!

We raid Friday and Saturday from 8 to 10:30 pm CST.

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here:

We would be interested in adding another healer to our team, and either class works for us. Vitae Rising is an adult-only AOTC guild on Thrall that raids Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST. Outside of raiding, our members enjoy running keys and various in-game activities. Add me at Rawrabear#1450 or on disc at Fenrirulv and lets chat!