Each week we’ll look ahead to what’s in store for World of Warcraft, share the latest news, and keep you in the know byte by byte. Join in the Season of Discovery with an increased experience buff and tune in this weekend to the MDI Global Finals.
Whens the next patch
So is there any reason not to just level classic era characters in Season of Discovery? They get the buff, and they will eventually be transferred to the regular Classic Era realms, so why not just do that and wait?
I think theres a level cap they increase every phase.
Sooooo unless doing SoD or watching others play a video game, absolutely nothing.
you gotta tell us something about 10.2.6 or season 4. I’m dying here. There should really be 10.2.6/season 4 news or hero talent news each week to give us something.
What mount are you giving us if we watch your esport event?
We need something to do, not watch. Come on blizz, give us more.
Season of Discovery?
So nothing regarding 10.2.6.
To Blizzard:
Alright then, keep your secrets
My prediction is that 10.2.6 will probably launch next week with no fanfare and people will have to discover what the patch is once in the game itself.
Hey now, there’s Comp Stomp. That’s something.
No new Hero talents reveal this week?
20 days went by between the priest mage warrior preview and the latest one we got last week. Expect at least that long before the next preview.
S4 wont likely be till may, so you still got a few months to go
Just play another game, or find something else to fill your time.
10.2.6 won’t have news, it’ll just drop – fancy secret tech.
Any Fated testing will come with the 10.2.7 PTR, which probably won’t drop until the end of the month or April.
I have not watched the MDI finals. I have, however, seen to videos on the youtubes.
I will say this, there are a some clever groups out there doing this stuff.
Its a bit of a marvel to watch this stuff, and see how these folk execute their strategies and to think of the work they had to do to practice these runs.

you gotta tell us something about 10.2.6
Well, I think the only thing they’re going to say about 10.2.6 before the release is when, and (given that they didn’t announce it today), I think it’s going to be the 19th or the 26th of this month.