18 gilded crest a week from Delves. Big pass

Hpellipsis is rather well known on the forums.


Apples are a popular fruit.

Don’t say it like that it’s weird.

But yes we killed it like 150th.

I have 3x CE’s and a bunch of 1-2 kill short seasons. I was world 18th Prot Pally during WOD and US 5th (average) Lightsmith Pally before I left TWW this season and was US1 during the second week of raiding in TWW. Prior to Legion I maintain server first from LK-to Cata, (was deployed during MOP).

If outside gearing requirement/farming wasn’t a thing, I would be a top 25 Prot paladin with very little effort due to my skill level of my class. I don’t care if you believe me or not but Mythic + dungeon requirement has ruined my raiding experience in this game.

I am also humble enough to admit that I do not excel in Mythic + as I do in Mythic raiding. Its not the same playstyle and as different as PVE and PVP to me. Sure I could focus more and become better but I don’t enjoy it. I do love raiding.

But Delves dropping gilded crest has peaked my interest because my goal is to raid and not do Mythic + outside of the first couple of weeks. Don’t care if that is not how it is intended but I hate them that much. I know others love them and I am not asking for Mythic + to be removed, just want there to be a way I can enjoy WOW the way I like it and remain viable in Mythic raiding.


If you aren’t doing 8s the first week or so, then the 18 crests are something.

They could increase raid loot drops for sure, and crests definitely.

I haven’t even done delves aside from the first couple weeks, and I think this is an absurdly low cap.

Gilded Crests shouldn’t have a cap, but if they’re going to have a cap make it equal across all content.

This accomplishes transmog for delvers, so it’s not without purpose.

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Same, it will definitely pair well with the crest conversion change we had recently.

You’re trying to tell me Fungal Folly or the Underkeep without a boss spawned in is harder than a +8?

Game has been M+ or die for too long.

I don’t know if they meant that as an expansion thing though!

I had the impression it was for the season, but I’ll be pleased if it is for the longer term.

Whelp i called it. Was only a matter of time before it wasn’t good enough. Only took 3 days.

Next on the menu is myth track. Just wait. Gg

And next expansion Blizzard can introduce a new shiny difficulty. (rename mythic to something more prestigious.)

For raiding…works for me. I miss the days when bosses had extra hard modes. Also removing achievements for beating raid bosses in a certain way also removed some fun.

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Yea, I was expecting it myself as well lol.

I meant clawing back rewards is seen as a no, but introducing a new difficulty (via renaming) would be seen as fine.

Delves probably end up with mythic, when the best loot has moved somewhere else.

They mentioned in the post that this would be the starting point for S2. I’m pretty sure people would explode if they tried to roll it back and they know it.

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I wish… gearing alts takes way to long.

It does - so I wish Blizzard removes gear at some point.