18 gilded crest a week from Delves. Big pass

For the content it is, Blizz is being generous, acquiring gilded in the only solo play style in the game is insane.

Delves being end-game? LOL ! :joy:

Go play something else and send me your gold before you do.

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Orā€¦ and hear me out.

I want to get gear appropriate to my difficulty level without timegating.

Imagine if you will a playerbase that just wants to play the hard difficulty without time locksā€¦

I can do 10s and heroic raids with a audio book on. Im more going through the motions though till I get back to mythic.

Why canā€™t I have skill based progression over timed?

Ask for removal of raid lockouts.

(But then WOW burns out in like a month.)

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No one did thatā€¦ you weird gear gate keeper of low difficultiesā€¦

Elitist - casual chasm gets even wider.

Everyone is all ā€œget awf mah lawnā€

So wholesome.


That removes the timegating element. Fulfills what you want perfectly.

Because gear also serves to allow you to do things you couldnā€™t do last week or make them easier over time.

Bliz has to tune content around an ilvl they expect players to have when they reach it, so they can gradually over gear it. You make it possible to just grind to max ilvl that completely breaks down.

I wonder when the idea of putting on makeup and wearing a rainbow wig was considered winning an argument.

This isnā€™t your lfr. You donā€™t get stacks of buffs for being wiped.

Why is removing raid lockouts a bad idea? You can spam farm the mythic bosses you kill repeatedly, and theoretically, gear out an entire character within a single week.

Why is spamming m+ or delves any better for mythic loot?

Why is spamming raid for mythic gear so unacceptable to you?

Nah thats old thinking. Now its when blizz guts the weakaura boss.

Gear doesnā€™t really factor in less you are super behind.

And delves will be the only source of SOLO game play that would give gilded and players like OP are still mad about it :joy:

Because mythic raiding is super easy early on. You know thatā€¦ the first few bosses are almost always one shot and players are degenerate.

12s are both far harder and far better paced.

No, I donā€™t know that. I know the guilds Iā€™ve been in suck at Rashanan.

As for +12s being harderā€¦ idk about that, people arenā€™t comparing them from a remotely equal standpoint. Organized meticulously planned raids vs a random group that has been thrown together.

And sure the first four became farm status early on for pugs but point still stands.

So youā€™d be fine with the entire mythic raid being tuned around being say 635+ ilvl? As opposed to the current 615-630.

Noā€¦ in fact this is a insane take. The first boss is so free you can ten man it even with the soak mechanicsā€¦

This is why the weird mythic raider cheer leaders confuse me. Youā€™ve no idea what you are even on about.

Youā€™re getting a free upgrade for 15 minutes worth of solo work.

I think if my guild tried that, weā€™d run into something called the enrage timer.

And needing to split soaks, (is there even enough people.)

Or do you specifically pick a comp with immunities?

Most of it already is and with full consumables. Im not sure what you are on aboutā€¦

A single 1/5 chance at loot per boss, for the first 1-2 bosses Vs an infinitely repeatable 2/5 chance from dungeons.

Like sure have the first +12 you do drop myth track, then if you want another itā€™s a 13, then 14, etc.

You just need two roars. And people doing 80% of simmed output at whatever the item cap is minus 5ilv