18 gilded crest a week from Delves. Big pass

A bit late to party. Already posted two examples above. :slightly_smiling_face:

So should players be forced to do other content to get upgrade crests?

I don’t think so.

Delves should be self sufficient like the other 2 pve end games.

But if it’s ok to force delvers into some other game mode for upgrade crests, then it would be acceptable to force m+ and raid players to do the same right?

yeah there is no way im reading 180 replies lol


Just know it’s already being demanded. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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You don’t like solo players being able to obtain gilded crests. Like I said, I don’t much care either way. So you want to force people to do M+ I suppose or raid mythic. Why do you want to force other players to do +10s or mythic raid? Why do you even care? I’m entirely dispassionate, a good place to be honestly, wondering why people care about nonsense trivialities.

:joy: :skull: :joy:

If people don’t like group content, they can simply, not do group content.

People care for transmog (allegedly.) Should all cosmetics come from delves too?

Asking the same question again won’t net you a different answer. Solo rewards disincentivize group content. It also doesn’t need ilvl to function.

I find your answers ultimately lacking. You want people to depend upon you to do content and thus glean benefits thereof.

No, don’t think we’ll be playing together.

When solo content with both comparable difficulty and acceptable tuning between all 39 specs and 3 roles exists, sure.

Delves are nowhere close to that, I suspect we’ll get there one day.

What I find odd about this take is that by and large the M+ community has said that they do not like running delves for a variety of different reasons, none of which were gearing related. If generally speaking the “group content” community hates doing solo content and it is substantially more rewarding to do group content, how is it going to change anything?

if it’s going to boil down to play m+ or get little or nothing I’ll take the nothing.

this is just a video game and there’s lot’s of other choices.

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Pretty sure a lot of players did delves, whether they wanted to be there is another matter. Did those people who dislike delves, actually skip them?

Completing a +11 Delve with lives left is every bit as challenging as a +8 key, which is the requirement for Gilded crests. There’s no reason they should cap at 20% of the weekly limit.

At this point there just isn’t any solo content even comparable to that which gives myth track. That doesn’t mean there can’t ever be, but it also doesn’t mean content that is significantly easier should give it in its stead.

They certainly can skip delves if they want to. Again, this is about what you yourself feel that you glean from delves and how it might hinder your progress otherwise.

Skipping them will likely place them with very bad players during the gearing process because the good ones used delves, and leaped ahead. It makes group content less fun. Needlessly.

Some did and some didn’t. Some still run them for vault, a lot don’t.

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For people that didn’t like delves (why are they there) if not for gearing?

So…you are judging other people for not wanting to do group content --which of course benefits yourself–. So people who don’t want to do things you want them to do are -bad- and those who do things you want them to do are -good-… right?