17th Anniv. Event Blows3

As it should! But my question is… why is Blizzard’s first instinct always so contrary to the desires of their playerbase?

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I wish they would stop this and focus on the “fun”.

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Yes, thanks - like I never knew that, what is it with people here pointing out the obvious like that changes anything :laughing:

I have zero idea what you mean 'cause I don’t play other games. :confused:

Yes again, thanks professor.
But there is a thing as someone disliking too much rng.
A balance needs to be struck to make it feel better - like you aren’t just playing a game towards something you may very well never get… even a mouse needs to be given some hope of reaching the cheese.

You sound like one of those ‘classic’ folks who tell people they need to ‘work’ for their items :laughing: get outta here with your captain obvious statements like I’m supposed to just agree and accept it. off you go soldier.

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Like, I give them credit for eventually listening and making good changes. But so many of these changes are made necessary by a design philosophy held by the team that hasn’t interrogated itself in a decade. They’ve lost the forest for the trees and have forgotten what “fun” is.