17th Anniv. Event Blows3

It usually is :man_shrugging:
But it’s a good showcase of how they donno how to make something fun.


Oh? And what other anniversaries have we had that they desperately need to get back into their players’ good graces, I wonder?

Nobody wants to show off the mount, it’s fugly. If I wanna show off an event mount, I’ll stick with my deathwing.

I can’t think of any better term to describe anyone that can possibly defend this garbage.

Blizz doesn’t do “fun.” They produce rehashed content and copy/paste models. That’s it. For limited time content like anniversaries They spend even less time on it. They just make sure it’s killable, add a low % drop rate mount, and call it good.

Now, i know I’m too late to warn you about the white knighters who will proclaim “well you wanted vanilla difficulty,” and “you paid for it,” but in reality, most of us on retail don’t play classic bc we already played that garbage and we don’t want that difficulty in retail wow.


At this point I feel like I should get rewarded for even logging into this game.

All this stupid going on why! Seriously why!

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They should have put this thing within 300 yards of a graveyard tbh. Especially with the lack of people available to group with at this point in the game.

23 kills. 4 deaths. 2 due to lag. 2 because I stood in the wrong place.

His hit box is huge so you don’t have to be right at his feet so even melee can use the distance gauge and not stand next to each other, getting zapped by the lightning. It only one shots after it’s arced through a few other players.

Not hard to figure out. And I am not a raider.

I really don’t know what people expect from a world boss, this is how they are always designed.

People complaining about nothing with 4-6 characters kek. Did 23 last night (which is still nothing), and got like 6 unique items. Just relax it has a daily lockout. If you do it everyday you’ll exhaust any reason to do it after that and maybe next year, which feels good. Cause like for me I have everything off the first 6 anniversary bosses introduced in 2017. And I feel content with not having to bus myself out to those fringe areas anymore and focus on other farming.

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I really can’t remember a single anniversary other than maybe the 10th that people were hyped about. It always just kinda came and went, and people were just happy if they got a pet or something.

I’m not saying that’s good or bad, I’m just saying I’m surprised people are like, not happy about it because it’s how it’s been every single one outside maybe one special time.

Because were limited to the people that played during that time maybe? just like Overwatch or other games that have a progress to a 100% sure reward that’ll be keep on their account, or just add something new each year with a clear goal.

Example, Molten Core anniversary, deathwing mount that were 100% goals but now rare because was FOMO to the people that played during that time.

for me it won’t matter if these things come back later and remains like 100% drops or you can buy from a vendor, if you want to show off, please do it with a gladiator mount, KSM, M+20 title, Challenge mode, mage tower style of gameplay.

True that bro

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I should have added a /s.

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Wow has always had RNG, on bosses and mobs, but now all of a sudden because another popular game does something different people complain, don’t like it fine dont play, RNG has been a core aspect of wow since it first launched

I’ve done it 3 times, and gotten the shiny Nexus axe.

This is how “randomness” works.

So because some people just don’t care about the droprate, have more pressing issues with the game and enjoy the boss fights, there’s something wrong with them? Good to know.

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Because that was a big anniversary. So it made sense. But people whined and raged about that one, too.

Yes. You deserve better.

I’m not that entitled nor a brat.

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