17GB update?

My update status shows a 17.01 GB download to complete. Anyone else having a rather large download just for an update?

I do not see any updates. Make sure that the launcher is properly locating your install of the game client(s).

Click the blue swirl in top left corner of launcher … then choose Settings.

From there you can click Scan for Games in the launcher settings to have it locate all your game install paths.

No help…my games are all in the same/correct directory. When I pause the d/l the game is playable but still showing the 17gb when I resume d/l . When I hover over the wow icon on top of launcher it says It’s installing the game. ???

Considering the game is over 100GB, I doubt it’s the whole game. Not sure what you are seeing though, perhaps file verification, perhaps updating from a older version, perhaps even updating PTR?


Oh well thanks so much for your help, I’ll just let it do it’s thing.