Looking for a guild to do progression raids with for Shadowlands. My previous experience with raiding has been mostly from Mythic raiding in WoD, in which IRL things happened and have been away from the game for a few years. But now i’m back and have been actively been doing whatever I can to prep for raiding, from grinding out M0’s, herbalism/alchemy to make my own pots, to just checking world quests for any potential ilvl increases.
I’m looking for a guild that is actively looking to progress each night and push their players to better themselves in dps and on a mechanical level. As well as grouping up to do other things such as Torghast, M+, and other fun things.
If my post has interested you, then feel free to add me via Battle.net (RebelSketchy#11218), or discord (Nerbies#2568)