Realms Expectations for Season of Discovery

Please, design realm sizes to work with a single layer, and do not allow layering ever. Making layering permanent in TBC directly led to the consolidation of the playerbase onto megarealms. Realm capacities should be higher than the original 2.5-3k cap, but the community feel of vanilla is a major component of what sets it apart from future versions of WoW.

Didn’t happen in SoM. Didn’t happen on Skyfury/Angerforge.

We have had 2 sets of fresh servers in the past 2 years and it has happened neither time. It only happened on established servers in TBC/WotLK.


Yeah, I’m probably just remembering Classic.

This is an even worse suggestion than what blizzard said. You get home from work, log on to raid “sorry too many of your faction online now”.

The only suggestion for faction balance that I ever thought respected players was a waiting period to create new toons on the larger faction.

Like, you go to roll Alliance which is the larger faction and the character creation screen says “sure, you can create a paladin, but you’re going to have to wait here on the character creation screen for 15 minutes. Orrrr… you can roll a shaman on Horde and play it immediately!”

Of course, it wouldn’t require you to wait if you already have toons on the larger faction. Or, maybe it would, who knows?

We’re being intentionally vague here, which I understand is frustrating, but as much as I want to dive into details (I’m an Engineering Producer, this hurts!), we really don’t want everyone to try and meta-game this. By “balance” we mean in a perfect world we’re shooting for 50/50 faction split, but no matter which way we choose to try and enforce faction balance, there’s room for those values to change based on player behaviour. Overall we want you to feel confident that if you roll PvP this Season, you will be on some of the most balanced PvP realms in Classic’s history.


I think this covers your concerns.


Would be cool implementing a dynamic lockout, let’s say once there’s 55% of a faction logged in, a queue starts for that faction.
That would make it so that’s the biggest imbalance that it could occur at any given time.
Problem solved.

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Why not just have one megaserver per region (why do we need to worry about spreading people over even 2 or 3 servers at this point?) and faction balance shards like you do in retail war mode?

One megaserver with War Mode would have been much better for a larger audience to experience the new Ashenvale PvP. People who don’t want to PvP 100% of the time likely would have enjoyed participating in it more with War Mode and faction balanced sharding.

Your way sounds pretty potentially lame if someone has a friend that wants to come play with them later on and they can’t because that faction is locked. War Mode and a single server also would have been better if you have several different friend groups and they don’t all want to play on one server or in one ruleset all the time.

edit: Also, if we have to split people onto a small number of servers for technical reasons, it seems like you could also have made them all connected realms and/or allowed xserver grouping between them to avoid splitting up friends and never have to worry about split server balancing at all.

You could also offer free faction swaps instead of doing faction locks if one faction becomes too dominant (sorry pallies and shaman). Alternatively you could offer an xp boost to the smaller faction to encourage people to re-roll to it more easily.


I feel like the only major pitfall would be a situation where you can’t make a toon of a specific faction on any PvP realm.
Also what constitutes imbalance between the factions? 60/40? 70/30? 80/20?

If we could have an RP-PVP realm, that’d be great.

And if you guys could NOT merge a bunch of other random servers into it and destroy the community like with Grobbulus, that’d be even greater.


Based on wrath servers and throughout TBC the MOST balanced server to date is Grobbulus which is an RPPVP server. Please read this and take into consideration 1 RPPVP server for both US and EU. Please and thank you.


Oh my…. Gettin my PvP juices flowing again.

i havent played on a pvp server in many years, if you pick a pvp server are you allowed to have both factions on the 1 realm?

Also, are the pvp servers the only ones that allow the battle of the zone events?

Thank you for responding. I’m hoping it’ll be a fun time!


High hopes for PvP realm balance. Thanks for attempting something.

But will we have a name reserve this week?

How are people already crying about faction restrictions? If you want to play imbalanced trash servers go play wotlk.

If the balance check is done correctly this will be amazing.

This doesn’t sound at all like what they are saying. Instead it sounds like they will limit character creation if the servers become too lopsided.