17 year old game costs more than a new game

I honestly have stopped playing MMOs for this reason- besides classic for a short time. And its because of player base that allows for it to happen. Regardless- you can make the claim that “this is how it is now” but thats literally buying into what they want. They want you to normalize it and you have lol

Edit: And you’ll keep buying their crap and I’ll keep fighting the good fight. All is one with nature I suppose

I don’t consider buying a mount, a boost or a pet a “microtransaction”. To me, microtransactions are small (under $10) purchases I have to make on a regular basis in order to make any reasonable progress in the game.

You can progress quite wonderfully in WoW without ever paying anything more than your monthly sub plus the one-time costs for each expansion. You can acquire hundreds of pets, mounts and toys in-game without spending a single extra penny. You can acquire awesome gear, run raids, even achieve world firsts without ever shelling out more money.

Things like boosts, server transfers and faction changes are not necessary to progress in the game. They are conveniences that quite a few people are willing to pay for on an occasional basis.


It’s been normalized for several years. Blaming me won’t change that.

I have a hard time going all gung-ho on the blizzard greedy train when every other competitor has a bigger shop with more power directly available.

If you want to call the devs of Eve online greedy bastards, that I can jump on. $33,000 for some ships? lol. I just can’t be mad about the blizzard monetization when that stuff is what the competition is throwing out.

@ Madilissa I know you don’t but it is. That is the normalizing im talking about. Even saying “with sub its free” is acting like a subscription isn’t already paying for the game.

And I am not directly blaming you lol - obviously your not anyone with the power to change this but I blame people like you, yes. You do nothing for the community of gamers but support the companies that do this. And do this to addicts whom will buy anything they put out to be ‘on top’ when in reality that will be outdated in less than a week.

What made classic special is that you could be level 50 and kill a level 60. You could get gear from the first patch and still be ‘geared’. Over corrections and adding more and more literally ruins everything special about this game. Especially if you monetize it - even cosmetics which guess what? DO MATTER IN THIS GAME. Literally the ONLY thing that matters

Find me a corporation that isn’t greedy, and I’ll find you a spell in which you can combine it with the sound of a shadow.

Just for the record on this part. the company is Activision Blizzard. They have an inventory of very successful games. And they reported $9 billion in revenue last year.

I definitely don’t understand everything they are doing, but I really can’t see an argument for them struggling for sources of income.

Well from my understanding Activision is the parent company - in which Blizzard would still have to meet its own quota outside of that but I could be wrong

That same sub now allows access to 3 games instead of two. No other MMO does that to my knowledge.

Perhaps free is the wrong word, but I really don’t know what word to use instead. My retail sub got me classic with no extra fee, and now it will get me TBC with no extra fee.

What word should I use instead? I have paid no additional fee for the extra games, so the word free was used.


17 year old game costs more than a new game
To be fair, almost every game costs more than a new game now.

I wasn’t offered shadowlands or any other game besides classic when I paid for classic. If I bought TBC- it would then be a sub for only TBC and that is it. I do not believe that applies for most accounts but if you are getting both games for the same sub then that is news to me. Also you still have to pay for the clone. Regardless- I dont play shadowlands so that ‘bonus’ is a pointless feature that I didn’t even want

Edit: In order to get everything this game has to offer- I have to pay a good sum of money. This is all I am talking about it

Pretty sure the original Collectors Edition for TBC back in 2007 was like $100 if not more.

17 year old game

i think its people who want something but don’t want to pay for it. it’s like when someone /spit on someone else who has a sparkle pony. to them its an extra mount that gives someone the upper hand because of the nerd achievements that give extra mounts. i think my wife bought it for me but i have never even used it. people use certain things they like and collect to get other things they’ll never use. one person pays to get the nerd points. the other person is mad because they don’t want to pay.

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As stated- the whole point of the game is to acquire experience and gear and cosmetics. If this is done through paying real money- you will get critics of people who want to do it through the real means of PLAYING the game

google “gacha” games and then we can continue this conversation.


How many times are you going to keep remaking this same thread?


there’s a lot of incorrect information here

the sub that you’re paying is for retail, which goes up to Battle for Azeroth + Shadowlands if you buy the expansion

by paying that sub, you get access to WoW Classic for free. likewise, when TBC Classic releases, you will also gain access to it for free, as long as you are paying that monthly subscription. you do not have to pay anything to get access to any of these games save for that $15 subscription fee, period. if you want to play TBC? you can do that. want to play Classic? you can do that. want to play retail? yep, you can do that

the cloning service is, per character, an option if you want to have the character it is purchased for on Vanilla AND TBC. if you choose not to pay for that clone, then your character can, for free, remain on the current servers and go on to TBC Classic, or move to the new Vanilla Classic servers that will be opening at the same time. from there, you can at any time make and play characters in TBC and Vanilla for free, you do not have to purchase the cloning service in order to play both games


i never got the option to stay in vanilla forever 93847593485 years ago. and i certainly didn’t get to play tbc FOR FREE without paying for the expansion, at the time. this is a gift horse. what they’re doing is not only looking it in the mouth, but complaining it’s not a gift mercedes.


Doesn’t surprise me people want DE/CE of games for free.

It’s funny cause the $70 tag for TBCC DE is about the same as any other DE/CE for any modern day game except most of them don’t even come with a DLC pass with it so you’re forking over another $30.

Looking at what you get for the TBCC DE it’s actually a damn steal lool but people can’t shut up and have to voice their pathetic opinions.

Going by retail wow values

We get 2 mounts that’s $25 a pop so that’s- $50
30 days of game time so that’s- $15
2 weird toys, no real monetary value…
1 character boost which would be- $60

That’s $125 worth of items for $70 or no one can buy em if they don’t want them. If we were forced to buy it then yea I could see an issue for people who don’t want to but they have a choice not to. I have the choice that I’m buying it cause I know I want to boost a paladin and I know I’m gonna spend a couple hundred hours if not more playing TBCC


toys in retail are $10 on the shop. and yes, it’s a really good value. it’s the same thing when the anniversary stuff was released. did you know that the games we all got to claim for free they sell on other platforms for money? i think the games were $30 for the base, on the switch. then the ce edition was way more expensive.

it’s almost as if… businesses exist to make money.