17 Straight Premades

They will never entirely go away because that is how some players play.

Most of the raiders who want 1-2% more DPS from R14 already have it, and that was vs T1 &T2 \ ZG & Crafted gear.

AQ takes a lot of the luster out of the PvP armor and weapons, and I’m not saying the PvP epics are bad because they’re great but the gains do not overcome the investment when AQ gear is basically here.


What? It’s barely better then BWL gear. AQ and Naxx gear will be superior and far easier to get.

Oh its a joke from a skill stand point. When a system caters towards time investment over performance then that system is a joke. Ergo, classic pvp is a joke. Instead of pay to win, its overplay to win.

The rewards in a video game aren’t the items, but the fun you have. Achievements are a joke, have always been a joke and always will be a joke.

It’s the primary reason why usually when you’re looking for players to arena with you don’t waste your time with achievements that some derp got piloted too, instead see if the guy is any good and if so do your styles and methodology line up. Same with raid in retail.

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Good feel every piece of those premades.

While you’re stuck at your graveyard as a ghost take that time to reflect on picking horde.

I was just pointing out that “casual” players are not defined by skill like on retail, but rather those who dont want to take the 2 years worth of vacation time they have saved in order to play 12-16 hours a day in a monotonous system full of repetition.

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it’s definitely not a skill based system, and I think that is the biggest issue with it.

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I saw you earlier, how’s defilers?

Classic pvp is great

Not really

casuals are in for a rude awakening when they realize that the premade situation will basically be no different even when we are deep into AQ and even Naxx

AV is supposed to where casual pvpers play but Ally doesnt have access to an AV that makes sense so we adopted the approach we were forced into.

All alliance… like 99% of us pvp strictly in premades. So your games in AB/WSG will be premade hell 24/7. Doesn’t matter when you play. The culture of pvp on the alliance side has solidified like rock at this point. Discords for premades for every server. Next to no one solo queues anymore.

You can either premade in return or wait 2 hours for a free AV win. Those are your options as horde :woman_shrugging:

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Nah tons of people chose option 3 just dont bother.

Here is what u do against a premade. Throw on aspect of the monkey, pip deterence and keep the melee in front of you while spamming your raptor/wing clip macro watching the parry and dodges pop on your screen.

Eventually die and repeat 1 more time then stay a ghost. The only thing I dislike about premades is there desire to camp gys like a epic battle happening around the farm flag and a hunter is camping the gy. I know both sides do it and that but still can’t stand it

I’m done with this game, Blizzard really doesn’t give a crap or if they do they are beyond incompetent. Not only they allowed my realm to die (Incendius) by just letting everyone transfer here until it imploded but they also allow stuff like this to happen. People that just want to PvP for fun are used as cannon fodder for the fat neckbeards that have no life.

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I know you’re mentally handicapped but try to understand that premades are ruining bgs for people who are solo queing.

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For alliance it wont, you guys cant win a game without discord and 100g in consumes lol

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Cuz the sweaty horde pre-mades don’t use massive consumables…

Give me those rose tinted glasses please.

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I’m pretty sure the hard-core premades use more than 100g in consumables. Madseasons team flasks but if u got the gold and professions might as well use them.

I am referencing both sides just not alliance.

not against pugs they dont. ive been sappered by a full marshal premade with rank 3’s on my team. yall so desperate for your pve gear