Dragonflight: Guardians of the Dream arrives to World of Warcraft on November 7!
First, great job on Demon Hunters!!!
Second, terrible job with Frost Death Knights
What a joke. Literally did nothing but fix the new tier set bug.
- Frost
- Fixed an issue with Chill Streak not decrementing a bounce when it bounced off of the Death Knight.
Alright, lets see those blood dk changes and fixes!
Wait, there’s nothing here
i hope healing ends up being more fun than literally everyone expects based on ptr
More than what Frost mages got
…wow that DK set is incredibly ugly.
Love the changes that is coming to the game and streamlining the gearing.
Why doesn’t Blizz just come out and say they hate Assassin Rogues? Lol.
So much for ww monk feed back….
Soooooooo you guys didn’t actually read any of the hunter feedback thread here or on the EU forums, did you? IS there a hunter dev? If so could they maybe post somewhere explaining their thoughts about marksmanship?
That would just be a blank page.
As a very casual player, I’m just baffled by the amount of class changes and adjustments that happen so frequently. Maybe I’m just clueless because I’m not a programmer, developer, or even a player of high level content, but it’s mind boggling that the devs feel the need to push this many changes for every major patch, and even some minor ones. It’s not fun to re-do talents every single patch because so many things have changed that the talents have been wiped… again…
Honestly, it just makes me wonder if anyone in the class design department has a clue. Truly. Other games do this kind of major restructuring with the release of a new xpac, not with every patch. Is it just not possible to get it (even mostly) right just once, and then leave it alone?
Lots of stuff happening.
Hope it makes the game even more fun than before.
Fyrʻalath - there are so many complaints of the single class (Evoker) legendary not dropping enough, I am sure that there will be a flood of squabbles as 3 classes vie for the 2h str legendary.
So, frost dks got nothing all expansion while spriests get fixed every single patch. Good job blizzard, you still after all the screw ups manage to disappoint.
Can you please find a way not to nerf for single player/casuals? I play only dracthyr and love it.
Sad to see no new changes for Marksman. Hopefully they don’t nerf BM.
Surprised this is posted now as there is still time to fix last minute bugs or class errors. Your making it seem like as if its going to be released way before Blizzcon.
You do know that if changes happens they will mark it with gold. They have one more week.
I was looking forward to maining a healer (Disc) for the first ime since Ulduar… given the last 2 or 3 rounds of Disc “changes” (nerfs), I’m not sure I will be anymore.
For once, that’s fine. We didn’t need any real changes other than minor tweaks.