AV Bonus Weekend Extended - September 2023

At the beginning of the Alterac Valley bonus weekend in Classic Era, we had a bug that prevented some bonus Honor from being properly awarded. That bug was fixed 1-2 days into the weekend (depending on your region).

As a result, we’re extending AV weekend on all Classic Era realms, so that it will continue to run until the Warsong Gulch weekend starts on Friday.

Take no prisoners!


Thanks for the update. Restoring the PVP system back to the original would be appreciated. After that, please don’t make any further changes to the game.


Any chance of the return of the black lotus spawn in the middle of the field :wink:


The new system is far better, and better for the health of the game.

Still takes around the same amount of grinding but there is no mafia or the need for bots to fix the bracket sizes.


Woooooo!!! Thanks for keeping the playerbase in AV. Maybe read these threads and buff WSG honor :smiley: You are KILLING PVP on Classic Era.

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Nice just need 2 more weeks for HWL. Thanks blizz making next week a breeze!

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Oh, really? And what system limitations are there to help limit the number of people who can attain max rank each week, thus helping to limit player power / gear inflation?

Taking the short-sighted handout isn’t always what’s best for the game. There were better ways to address their concerns, but it appears they wanted to take the easy way out and knew most people wouldn’t complain when they got something cheap / free, relatively speaking.


It’s not a handout. Grinding 500k honor for multiple weeks in a row is not a causal grind. Casual players cannot get HWL. All they did was remove the brackets that people were abusing for profit.

Relative to the old system, it certainly is.

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That’s not how handouts work.

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on non bg weekend u cap by thursday lol. game is dead, no drama, no actual pvp. just afk av ranking


Yeah it is weird how real pvpers aren’t queueing for wsg. I wonder why that is…

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This is a huge win

Thank you

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Nice deflection. I’ll take that to mean you can’t form a cogent argument and are desperate to say anything to try to shift the focus. The change to the pvp system is anything but for the long-term health of the game.


The vast majority of the player base disagrees with you.


Hard to convince the short-sighted not to take a handout, even at the expense of the game. Very tempting. It takes principle and discipline to know better.


The crux of the problem here is you think anybody cares what you think about how they should play the game. Removing the brackets for pvp was one of the better quality of life improvements they have made in classic.


Not quite sure what you’re failing to say here and how it relates. I’m talking game design, not how individuals should play the game.
I do think individuals should know better and speak up when Blizzard chips away and ruins one of the best games the company ever made, putting the life of the game over their short-sighted interests.

Yeah, you’re right. This is the reason that, after the cloning stunts Blizzard pulled, putting Era on life support, servers went from low pop to high / full pop. This is 100% sarcasm, by the way, just in case you can’t tell. People loved the game under the old system, and it didn’t stop them flooding back in to Classic Era when they realized Wrath is the road to retail trash.

Please, proceed advocating for the “quality of life” changes to slowly kill the game, just like the shiny mount and outfit collecting dress up game turd that is retail.

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brother its phase 846 of classic era


Doesn’t matter. Bad for the game is bad for the game. Provided it is “phase 846,” one could just as easily make an argument that this would be a reason to further slow down gear inflation, if anything, not speed it up. I’m not making that argument, so much as pointing out your flawed logic / casual statement. What I am making an argument for is simply keeping the original system. It’s a beautiful game, the original developers did a great job. We don’t need developers anymore in Era, we need server maintenance. Thank you.